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Problems with newer DVD movies
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16. November 2003 @ 11:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am a Mac user and have just started copying DVDs. I have a copy of DVD2oneX 1.0.1, I am sure it is not the lastest version but the problem is. I tried copying X-MEN 2 and MATRIX Reloaded and I used the same procedures I have used for all the other movies I have copied which has worked, both movies start playing and get about half way through then they start skipping to other chapters through the movie stopping and starting. I have then placed the same disk into my mac superdrive and the movie seems to play all the way through with no problems, has anyone had the same kind of problems copying the newer movies or is it some kind of new protection that has been put on that needs to be cracked hope to hear your thoughts on the problem..

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16. November 2003 @ 23:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You need to update to DVD2OneX 1.2.1 I'd imagine

(X-Men 2 did give me a nightmare in as much as DVD2One 1.3.0 said 'encrypted data found' error...even though I had gone through DVD Decrypter successfully. So I did Movie-Only & all is good !! I had no problems at all w/ Matrix Reloaded - Full-Disk copy)

18. November 2003 @ 22:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
use dvd decripter then DVD2One then copy to dvd all movies work fine ive copied these and later movies with no problems like terminator 3
charlies angels etc try these

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19. November 2003 @ 06:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

mud , he has to use DVD2OneX cos he's a Mac user ... ergo making it a different matter all together

25. November 2003 @ 08:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You may have greater success using OSEX to create a "disk image" then use DVD2OneX to compress the Video_TS folder from the image. It solved my problems with Disney movies and appears to work with X2 as well.

I have found that my success level with DVDBackup is dropping. Hoping for an update soon as it is the easier and faster program to use.

Also you could try using slower burn speeds. I have found by lowering my burn speed from 4x to 2x I no longer have the skipping problems on my Set top DVD player.

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26. November 2003 @ 05:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have found that playing the DVD to let it decode the
key first and then running DVDBackup works good.
DVDBackup will then have the right key to start decoding
the VOB files. Once it starts decoding you can then quit
the DVD player.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. November 2003 @ 05:47

27. November 2003 @ 11:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Are you letting the whole movie play?? I have tried all kinds of combinations like hitting every menu choice and skipping chapters throught the whole movie first...ect

Even after all that I am finding an increasing number of movies that DVD backup fails to process. Ususally the error received is "Failed to decode Title set (x)" " do you want to continue or stop"

30. November 2003 @ 07:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No I don't let the whole movie play, just let it get to the menu. When it starts decoding then I quit the DVD player an let DVDBackup finish. You just need the player on long enough for it to unlock the disk.
30. November 2003 @ 07:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No I don't let the whole movie play, just let it get to the menu. When it starts decoding then I quit the DVD player an let DVDBackup finish. You just need the player on long enough for it to unlock the disk.
30. November 2003 @ 07:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No I don't let the whole movie play, just let it get to the menu. When it starts decoding then I quit the DVD player an let DVDBackup finish. You just need the player on long enough for it to unlock the disk.
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3. January 2004 @ 09:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
same problem here too with many new DVD's, i've been doing the baclup thing and DVD2One long time enough to know how to use it, but recently im facing problems, the same error as jeepnut mentioned: "Failed to decode Title set (x)" " do you want to continue or stop". but its not only this, some other DVD's workes fine with DVDBackup then DVD2One then Toast, but when playing them on some DVD players, theres a blue screen saying something about the region code that doesnt match this player... hmmmmm
plus, i tried OSEX to make an image of X-MEN2, it worked fine, but i couldnt mount it after to compress it with DVD2One....

any ideas?
turn arounds?

btw, im a Mac user...
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17. January 2004 @ 12:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i just managed to do x-men2 using OSEX, and not DVD backup, only by chosing DVD folder as a format from OSEX, and not DVD image, then DVD2One, then every thing went great...

6. March 2004 @ 05:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey everyone, quick question. Where is the dvd folder option in 0sex? All I see is ps, sp and dvd image. I've been told i need the dvd folder option to back up a region 3 dvd5. Thanks a million:)

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6. March 2004 @ 07:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
All of the 0sex versions I know have the DVD Folder option in
the Fmt button. Here you have a link to the latest version

Hope this time you will find it.

PS. If your OS is Panther and you can not open it just get in
touch and I will tell you how to do it.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. March 2004 @ 07:41

10. March 2004 @ 03:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey you're right, I got the new version then I found dvd folders. Quick question, to rip a region 3 dvd5 with 0sex do i have to choose P4(VOBU) for the key refresh rate in the OPTS drop down or can i just rip straight from DVD Folders. I finally got the new version cause i couldn'g find the dvd folder option then did the P4 option but I ran out of disk space cause the VOB file was 53 gigs. What went wrong here. Thanks a million everyone.
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10. March 2004 @ 05:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have never experienced the problems you are having.
First insert the DVD and let DVDPlayer start playing the movie. Stop it and quit DVDPlayer. Now open 0sex, select DVDFolder and try first with its default settings. If it can not catch all the keys try P4 (VOBU).
Anyway all the information you need is in the "read me" file that is in the Osex folder. Just take the time to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
10. March 2004 @ 19:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I can't let the dvd player run without changing the region setting on my dvdr drive and I can only do that 5 times. I buy alot of film from HK, China, Japan and Korea. Everytime I lend them out I don't see them for about 6 months. I used the P4 setting and the usual setting and the same thing happens. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks a million:)
11. March 2004 @ 08:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi folks, first post! Woot :P

Just thought I'd chip in since I used to live in region 3 and
have never had problems ripping, your problem is caused by
something other than the region.

FWIW you only need to play the DVD using DVDBackup. Don't
need to do this with 0sex, MacTheRipper or YadeX.

Also, lots of people have reported problems with DVDBackup
after upgrading to panther, especially people who did
archive+upgrade. The symptoms are failing to decode the
VOBs :-) This happened to me too, I just switched to 0sex and
no problems since. A few months later wiped my HD and did
a clean install, and DVDBackup works normally again, but I
never use it anymore due to the must-play-dvd-beforehand


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. March 2004 @ 08:54

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11. March 2004 @ 10:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well, i use both DVDBackup and OSex for copying the DVD to the HD, OSex can copy DVD's that DVDBackup cannot, thats true, but i faced a problem with OSex that cannot solve and make me go back to DVDBackup which is that when theres not only the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders in the DVD disc, OSex reports an error at the begening of its proccess... any one knows a fix for that?!
11. March 2004 @ 14:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If the DVD contains files other than AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS (e.g. it has files meant for a PC) use 0sex's 'DVD Image' mode to rip the disc. Once the image has been created, mount it and use DVD2OneX on the VIDEO_TS folder inside the image.

11. March 2004 @ 21:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey, thanks for the feedback and the sympathy. I'm sorry I didn't state this before but I am using 0sex and I get this problem. Thanks anyway fellas, but I gave up. I ripped it on my ancient pc using dvdshrink and am transfering over my home Lan. thanks again everyone:)
19. March 2004 @ 08:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Holy crap I'm in hell. I ripped it with DVD Shrink 3.1, transfered it over on my home lan. Then I tried to burn it and I get an error with toast 6 that the souce material has a problem. Hmmm.. just for kicks I used DVD2OneX and tried to burn that videots folder and i get the same error. The movie plays in VLC player fine with japanese audio and subtitles. Any and all helap is much appreciated. Thanks a million everyone:)
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19. March 2004 @ 09:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thoughton> i've tried doing this before, (choosed DVD image from OSex), but after it finished i didnt find a way to mount this image using diskcopy or toast... u know a turn around?!
20. March 2004 @ 01:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
After making the DVD image with 0sex you should be able to just double-click it to mount it. If it doesn't mount there's something wrong with your Mac - report back what error you get.

What error does Toast give you (I mean what error number)? Also are you burning at 1x? > forums > digital video > digital video discussion for mac users > problems with newer dvd movies

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