On my new computer, when I try to use Ripit4me, I get the message "It looks like the PSL file was not imported successfully. Check the DVD Decrypter log(view menu) and check whether the log mentions importing the PSL file. If not you should abort the Rip and try again." Usually when I try the second time it works just fine. But after I run it thru shrink and go to burn with DVD Decrypter the burn fails. When I try to burn it again it works. I've got an HP a6150E. AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual core processor 4400+ It currently has 3 gigs of RAm(although 2942 only show up for some reason.) So My question is what if anything am I doing wrong. I'm using Vista, but I turned off all of the stuff relatedly to needing administrator rights to run. Any help would be aprreciated as its a new PC and I got it mostly to do my movies on.
Sorry to hear of your problem. All over the boards here at AD people are having stange probs with vista. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. All I can say for sure is that vista is not the most compatible os for backup programs. Maybe the best thing to do is to hose vista off the hdd and reinstall Xp. Have not heard anyone complain that Xp gave them problems. I know kind of radical, but instead of buying a new computer off the shelf(I could of saved a bundle with an off the shelf one),so I broke down and had a new one made(custom) with Xp with all the problems mentioned in mind. Also I heard that vista has a lot of DRM issues.
RipIt4Me wasn't written for the Vista OS. I'm not sure if that's the problem or not. Different people claim different levels of success.
For those with Vista, who still want to use XP, they don't have to choose between them. XP can be installed for a dual boot system. When the system boots up, the user chooses which OS they want to use. Takes the extra space, but with today's big hard drives, that shouldn't be much of an issue.
I had the same problem on Vista until I changed the "Properties" for RipIt4Me.
If you are launching RipIt4Me via a shortcut, right click and hit "Properties". Then go to the "Compatibility" tab and make sure the "Run this program as an administrator" is checked on.
If you are launching RipIt4Me by clicking on the exe itself, right click on "RipIt4Me.exe" and hit "Properties". Then following the same steps above for "Compatibility".
That solved it for me.
Originally posted by headcase: On my new computer, when I try to use Ripit4me, I get the message "It looks like the PSL file was not imported successfully. Check the DVD Decrypter log(view menu) and check whether the log mentions importing the PSL file. If not you should abort the Rip and try again." Usually when I try the second time it works just fine. But after I run it thru shrink and go to burn with DVD Decrypter the burn fails. When I try to burn it again it works. I've got an HP a6150E. AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual core processor 4400+ It currently has 3 gigs of RAm(although 2942 only show up for some reason.) So My question is what if anything am I doing wrong. I'm using Vista, but I turned off all of the stuff relatedly to needing administrator rights to run. Any help would be aprreciated as its a new PC and I got it mostly to do my movies on.
iluvendo and pacman nailed it. Compatability with Vista is a pretty common issue with a lot of the proggies. You can try setting the compatability mode, but it still may have issues.
There's been a lot of issues with RI4M running with Vista. Pacman's got some good advice if you have the space to run both systems. Although i'm still for elminating Vista until they get their bugs worked out. It is supposed to be full BWC, but in all reality it's not.
So, good luck in whatever you choose to do.
good to see a death star siggie back! hells yeah bro!
Well I have it set to run as Administrator. But that doesnt seem to help. Plus I have the whole administrator thing turned off. Will it work better if I set it to run in compatibility with XP service pack 2?
"I would say that my position is not too far from that of Ayn Rand's; that I would like to see government reduced to no more than internal police and courts, external armed forceswith the other matters handled otherwise. I'm sick of the way the government sticks its nose into everything, now." -- Robert A. Heinlein, as quoted by J. Neil Schulman in The Robert Heinlein Interview and Other Heinleiniana
Before trying to set up a dual boot system, see if the program will run in XP compatibility mode. That's nothing new to Windows and is a Windows function that sometimes allows programs written for an older OS to work on a newer one. When you right click for RipIt4Me Properties click the Compatibility tab. Under Compatibility mode select Run this program in compatibility mode for: and select XP from the drop down window. As I mentioned, this is a Windows function and can work for other programs needing the XP operating system.