So, I've been struggling with getting my slim V12 PS2 to give me a 480p signal on my 32" Sharp Aquos HDTV. The PS2 is set to output via Y'PbPr in the menu options, which is connected with an official Sony brand component cable.
This SHOULD work:
I'm using component cables from my PS2 to my TV and the progressive mode works fine with my retail copy of Guitar Hero 2... but when I activate it in GH3 (which is a back-up, launched with Swap Magic 3.6) it squishes the image to take up like a third of the screen and my TV still reports a 480i image.
I have no idea how to get the game to output a 480p signal that my TV recognizes...
To illustrate what is happening, check out these photos (click on the images to see them in full-size - and sorry about the color, my camera's color balance is WAY off).
Exhibit A - Guitar Hero 3 launches, running in 480i (as reported by my television).
Exhibit B - I turn on the Progressive Scan mode. The screen squishes down to take up less than half of the screen, but the TV still reports receiving a 480i signal.
Exhibit C - I accept the changes, try turning my TV to a different input and then back again (to see if that will make it think it is getting a progressive signal), turning the TV off and on... All to no avail. The TV is confident in thinking GH3 is sending a messed up 480i signal.
At this point, I am pretty sure that it has to do with Swap Magic.
I just tried two burned games with Swap Magic, Guitar Hero: 80's Edition and Resident Evil IV - both of which are supposed to support 480p (GH:80s via a menu option, REIV through the X+Triangle boot) and BOTH yield the same style squashed image on my TV as GH3!
But here is the interesting thing - when I play an original (in this case, I tested Shadow of the Colossus), when I select 480p everything looks perfectly fine - the image is beautiful and the TV switches to say that it is now getting a 480p signal.
An even more poignant comparison is the fact that Burnout: Revenge, which I own, works fine in 480p on the PS2. The following game in the series, Burnout: Dominator (which is a back-up launched with Swap Magic), does the same crap out as the above games when set to 480p.
I, seriously, haven't been able to get a single back-up to work in 480p. So... anyone recognize and can help diagnosis this problem? I'd certainly appreciate any help because I'm completely at a loss.