Katrin Eismann teaches this great red eye reduction method in her book "Photoshop restoration & retouching 2".
I have used this kinf of red eye reduction with Photoshop, how is it done with GIMP, or is it possible at all?
It goes like this wth PS:
1 Quick mask
2 Brush, set size to fit in red area
3 Draw over red area in eye
4 Quick mask off
5 Invert selection (PS offers by default all other areas than selected)
6 Check which channel is darkest, mostly green. Check means that take eye off beside channel. Only one channel is activated when you do this checking. (When I look channels one by one with PS I see black and white image, maybe it represents darkness of colour. With GIMP I see coloured image)
7 copy darkest challel to clipboard by ctrl+c
8 change channel to red
9 paste into, now red is gone
This is simply fastest and most accurate method I have found, I have tried so many. Eye will be corrected always quite well, if there is some information left in green or blue channel. And what is best, with this method you don't have to evaluate/adjust any colors, just do clicking always the same procedure.
This could perhaps be done somehow with macro also, because it is done by so mechanic clicking without thinking. Selection is hardest part.