I recently bought a oppo dv 981hd player that will play divx. I decided to try burning avi files because of the time it saves from converting to dvd, but the picture I get is really grainy escpecially in any dark scenes. I used Imgburn, is there a better program I should be using? Whould a slower burn speed help? I understand that the quality shouldn't be as good as DVD but this is really a step down.
@Dawkfan: could you uL a small video to Mediafire so we can see what you mean by grainy? Sorry, but if the original video is grainy you'll need to do some post-processing to remove the noise and smooth it out. Virtual Dub is great at doing this (and it's free) and there's a Dummies tutorial. Even i can use it :)~
The dvd burning prog you're using has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with it turning out grainy. At worse, a cheap DVD or bad program would make the frames skip. It would not cause the image to be grainy.