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DVD Xcopy Xpress: start button will not turn green
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Junior Member
22. November 2003 @ 11:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The START button will NOT turn green when it is ready to write.
So, the writing sequence never starts.

Here is things I have tried so far to fix this,(these are things 321Studios TS have had be do so far):

1. Checked 321Studios program blacklist to ensure I don't have conflicting apps
1a. upgraded the software from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 from your website
2. stopped all processes like NAV from running
2a. Ran a BEL ARC of my system and have sent to 321 at least 3 times
3. Ran MSCONFIG and disabled ALL those extra processes from starting at boot
4. Loaded the latest(4.71a) ASPI from Adaptec and installed that and confirmed the right version DLL files are in
5. Tried DVD-R (Fuji), DVD+R(Memorex), and DVD+RW(Fuji), all brand-new media
6. Ran anti-spyware software(Spybot 1.2, the highest rated of its type) to remove all pieces of spyware
7. Ensured I had latest Windows XP patches/updates
7a. Checked and saw I had the Patin-Couffin drivers. My Sony drive is seen OK. I did the pcsetup/install to reinstall them as asked, and rebooted.
8. In Properties for the DVDRW drive(Sony DRX-510UL, fware 1.0d), I checked to enable write(under Recording tab), and also
set write speed to 1X. And rebooted.

So far, nothing has worked. The button will not turn green.

I must say, this is one of the most frustratingly difficult apps I have ever encountered, in 13 years of PC work.

Here is my config:
Windows XP Pro SP1 and all current updates
Pentium 4 1.9Ghz, 1GB RAM, 600GB in 4 HDs
Sony DRX-510UL DVD drive(external, USB, reads and writes ALL DVD formats)

It seems like there are many different potential fixes for this. Please tell me what has worked to fix this?


Senior Member
22. November 2003 @ 15:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Try the 321studios forums.

The help in the forums is alot better than phone support. I tried a couple versions of Xpress later than 2.5.2 but have yet to find one that worked as well.

I have $150+ invested in Xcopy, Xpress and Copy Plus...haven't used any of them in months. Using DVD Shrink to rip and compress and Nero 6 to burn in DVD-Video mode is much, much easier.

DVD Shrink is free and Nero is too good to be without.

good luck-

NEC-2500A - Sony DVD-ROM
WinXP Pro w/ SP2, DVD Shrink - DVD Decrypter - Nero 7.x - CloneDVD2 & AnyDVD - DVD Fab - RipIt4Me

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. November 2003 @ 15:11

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2. December 2003 @ 16:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dot even use dvd x copy, it didnt work for me, i use a different method- very long visit my site "" and hit the "backupguides" icon.

nice pc by the way

come to the grassyknoll video game roms archive
show your stuff- debate politics
Senior Member
3. December 2003 @ 11:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
XPRESS has worked very well for me with my SONY DRU-500A burner in an AMD 2400+ system with XP PRO. Also had no problem with DVDXCOPY or PLATINUM either. If the START button doesn't acknowledge your disk, your burner may not be recognizing you have one in it. Try opening and closing the tray a couple of times. If it still doesn't acknowledge the disk try a different disk.

Rag Tag-XIX

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. December 2003 @ 11:08

Junior Member
3. December 2003 @ 11:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Xgasman, thanks, but you may assume I have tried all the easy stuff(rebooting, opening trays over and over, many different media, etc) already. The drive works fine and is able to burn any media I have tried, using OTHER burner apps. But NOT DVD Xcopy Express.
Also, all of their TS people have jerked me around for 10 days now, having me try over 21 different solutions, and also asking me to uninstall over 7 different apps. Nothing works.
I really think this software is the worst P.O.S. I have ever encountered.

RobertJ---San Diego
Windows XP Pro, SP2
P4, 1.9GHZ, 1.5GB RAM, 1.1TB in 7 Hard drives.
DVD drive: Sony DRX-810UL Dual Layer via firewire, firmware 2.0d
Nero USB2 and Firewire.
Ulead Video Studio 9
DVD Decrypter 3.5.4
AVI2DVD 0.4.3 beta
Quicktime 7.0.4
Panasonic PV-GS65 Mini-DV camcorder
Suspended due to non-functional email address
3. December 2003 @ 12:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah i used it its crap, just use DVD2One and dvd decrypter
3. December 2003 @ 17:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi - I'm new to this but am using dvdxcopy platnium, with mixed results [Xpress is easy but I can't seem to get an understanding of the compression part].
My express work great. The only time it didn't read the disk was after I changed out my cd rom for a cd burner - seemed to confuse the software as to where I wanted to burn. BuUt after going into options I was able to point it back to the dvd burner [sony dru...].
Good Luck, suep6
17. December 2003 @ 06:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ihave the identical problem and tried everything that you've tried and more. The green light still doesn't come on when it's time to write to the disk. Have you found a solution ??? I've been jerked around by Tech support (all 3 tiers). I don't understand why they don't know thier product. Does anyone have a solution ?? Please don't asked me to do simply things like : checking to see if the drive works because I've already done the basic things.
Junior Member
17. December 2003 @ 06:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I finally found a solution, but you may not like it: in my case, I had to quit trying to use the same drive for reading and burning. When I put the original in a DVD player, and a DVD-R in the burner, then it started working OK.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. December 2003 @ 06:43

17. December 2003 @ 07:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks alot. I will try that. Hopefully I will have the same results. Thanks again

18. December 2003 @ 00:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This may sound like a stupood question, but are the people having troubles with the button going green using the purchased copy or the trial version which will only allow 3 backups? I apologise if it sounds like i'm being condescending, but it does happen.

And if you're having trouble with burning to different formats, check the home page for guides. See. Isn't this site great?


*edit* just noticed in your original post that u upgraded your 321 product so it is purchased... And you've never done a backup with it?

That's what originally turned me off express, there are so few options available if something goes wrong it's impossible to sort out. I started using dvd shrink, i find it much better suited to my needs, i only want the movie, so that way i cut the credits and extras out, don't have to compress the main title that way...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. December 2003 @ 00:55

18. December 2003 @ 01:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the problem is,some disc are just too big for
Xpress to write.i have the same problem,and
it only happens when i tried the Xpress in full
disc this time i dont think theres ne thing that can be done about this.try to write ,in movie only mode.please let me know if this works or if ne one finds out ne thing new.thanks
18. December 2003 @ 04:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am having the same problem, after the DVD movie has been copied to the hard-drive and I install the blank DVD in the dvd burner the start buttone will not highlight. I am using fuji DVD- cds what could be the problem... I tried everything on this forum but I doesn't seem to work..
18. December 2003 @ 05:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for all the replies but I already determined that it's not the disks because I have use that disks that My dvd burner specfied besides I used 7 different brands as well. In addtion, I've tried backing up just the movie and I get the same results. Thanks again for your replies but, the only thing that I haven't tried was trying to read on one drive and then recording on another.

18. December 2003 @ 09:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Are you meeting the minimum requirements? are there any other video programs.

lydian > forums > digital video > copy dvd to dvdr > dvd xcopy xpress: start button will not turn green

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