Ola a todos.
Acabei de instalar o Ubuntu no meu PC, mas (como muitos) ´e a primeiro vez que experimento um sistema operativo que nao o Windows Xp/98/95.
Eis a minha pergunta:Ha ai algum tutorial de como poder instalar programas no Linux (Noob proof)? E que instruçoes como estas--
Quote:In order to install amsn, or even to be able to launch it, you will need to compile it first.
To do so, you must first configure the package by executing the command
> ./configure
You must have the tcl-dev and tk-dev packages installed on your system, please refer to your system package management software or website in order to find these packages and to install them prior to running the ./configure script.
Once the configure script finished without any error, you can proceed with the compilation, it is as simple as typing :
> make
You can now launch amsn by typing
> ./amsn
Or you can install it with the command
> make install
Then you can use the
> amsn
command to launch future sessions of amsn.
You can also create a .deb and .rpm package by launching respectively the command
> make deb
> make rpm
Quote:Installation is the same as for any other TEA-compliant package:
(1) Unpack the tarball (If you're reading this file, you've
probably done that step.)
(2) Change to the directory where the tarball was unpacked, and
./configure --prefix=/path/to/tcl/bin
where /path/to/tcl/bin is the path name of the binary directory of
your Tcl installation (the directory that contains tclConfig.sh).
(3) Do
to build the package.
(4) Do
make test
to run the test suite.
(5) Do
make install
to install the package into your Tcl library directories.
(6) Add the command:
package require newclock 1.0
to any application that requires 8.5 [clock] functionality.
Apartir da linha
Quote:(2) Change to the directory where the tarball was unpacked, and
./configure --prefix=/path/to/tcl/bin
where /path/to/tcl/bin is the path name of the binary directory of
your Tcl installation (the directory that contains tclConfig.sh).
nao entendi nada de nada, e o meu Ingles e bastante bom (as vezes melhor que o meu portugues.).
Portanto e isso, espero que me ajudem.
PS:Eu ainda tenho de alterar as configuraçoes do meu teclado, porque nao consigo por ´` ou~ por cima das letras, nao pensei que sou apenas um miudo a escrever.[/color]