I recently made a post here regarding a dvd glitch and i would like to re-ask the question but this time in a way that will get to the real root of what i hope someone has an answer to......
some players play movies flawlessly and others have problems with maybe one or two areas in the movie where you'll encounter a freeze up or glitch. now i'm not talking about a minus or plus disc problem because in thet situation the movie wouldn't even read. i'm talking about a store bought movie that is not defective but still encounters a freeze up especially in a area that has explosions and bright lights.
can anyone tell me what causes this to happen in some players and not others or most importantly, what is the one element or one feature that i should be looking for in a new unit that i can avoid this type of problem.
i'm looking for a specific feature that must be in one unit that's not in another.
@GM, this may be only a partial answer to your question. I have also noticed the same thing you have seen. My GUESS is that on newer movies, the studios have put newer and newer encryptions on their discs that it(encryptions) are pushing the reading ability of the stand alone dvd players to their limit, and that may be why you are seeing the abnormalities.After I back up the same discs, all my problems on viewing and playing seem to subside, which leads me to the above hypothesis. As for a dvd player, it seems that the inexpensive chinese players work best (IMHO), at least for me.
Originally posted by iluvendo: @GM, this may be only a partial answer to your question. I have also noticed the same thing you have seen. My GUESS is that on newer movies, the studios have put newer and newer encryptions on their discs that it(encryptions) are pushing the reading ability of the stand alone dvd players to their limit, and that may be why you are seeing the abnormalities.After I back up the same discs, all my problems on viewing and playing seem to subside, which leads me to the above hypothesis. As for a dvd player, it seems that the inexpensive chinese players work best (IMHO), at least for me.
At this point i would disagree, only because the only two units i can get to pass this test, so to speak, are panasonic units.
I have noticed the same problem with certain DVDs. I have a Sanyo DVD/VCR combo that is picky, it acts up with brand new DVDs. Same discs play flawlessly in my other player, an APEX. As to why it happends, I would also be curious about it for my next purchase.