Ok so i have 2 movies 1 is a VHS and is dubb in hmong and i bought the same movie but in dvd formate in chinese, and i was wondering how can i switch the hmong audio with the chinese audio. The VHS has a low quality. So i want to use the DVD quality with VHS audio. I have a VCR to DVD player. I have successful convert the VHS to dvd. Do anyone know a software that can do this for me?
The problem is not switching the audio, it's that the Chinese audio is synced with the DVD and the Hmong might not fit (it came from a stretchy tape).
If you compare the length of both movies (the main title only), are they the same?
To separate the video and audio, have both movies (main title only - no menu's, trailers etc) ripped to separate folders.
Pick one folder:
Run 'Rejig', in IFO mode and 'Add ' 'VTS_01_0.IFO' On right hand window, check both streams, select an 'Output Directory' and 'Process' .
Quit IFO Mode then restart IFO mode for the other folder.
You have a video and audio file for each movie.
Quit IFO mode.
Run DVD Author Mode.
Load the preferred video and preferred audio streams select a 'Destination' and 'Create'.
The output can be checked with the media player before burning.
If the sync is wrong, it can be corrected with TMPGenc - it allows time shifting the audio.
Snice there are some cut scene, do you know any program that let me edit AVI files, b/c if i convert the DVD into AVI, then i can move the audio to fit the AVI