Has anyone tried these - glossy hub printable DL media
2. December 2007 @ 21:43 |
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These are fairly new to market but they are glossy hub printable DL media, can any tell me who the are made by, any advice would be great, I use Verb DL printable right now, looking for something a little cheaper, but if they arnt no good will stay with Verbs, wish they made them hub printable though
Verb"s are number 1
Anything else second rate
Senior Member
3. December 2007 @ 00:17 |
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They are made by MBI (Moser Baer India). I haven't used these and I actually haven't heard or seen anything about them before. In the past it has been common practice to stay away from MBI media, and I would assume that practice is still relevant for these dual layers as well. Until tests with results by people willing to plunk down the cash on those discs are conducted I would stay away.
EDIT: After looking into those discs more (since that link goes to the home page first before linking to the actual product) It appears they are manufactured by Richojpn and packaged by MBI. Richojpn makes great single layer DVDs but I haven't heard about their Dual Layers. It might be worth looking into... Some of the other members here use Richojpn discs on a regular basis so they might be of more assistance to you. It's still a safe bet that they won't be better than MKM DL Verbatims though.
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Senior Member
3. December 2007 @ 00:53 |
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Sorry, double post.
X360 - iXtreme1.4 ||| Xbox - EvoX Dash ||| PS2 - CC 2.0 PRO SLE ||| Dreamcast ...lol ||| NDS - Acekard 2/M3 Simply/EZ Flash 3-1 ||| Rooted HTC Hero with Ic3rom
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Junior Member
4. December 2007 @ 15:12 |
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I haven't tried these yet. Thanks for the link. I will be trying these out as they appear to be the only hub printable Dl and are glossy as well. I hoping that they will be ok. I have only used Verb Dual layered + media but they don't seem to handle hub printable glossy Dl's.
Senior Member
6. December 2007 @ 07:08 |
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Some good prices on Ty's my beloved 8x and 16x +r hub printable 200 for $88.00 to the door.I'll have to try them Glossy's.
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Senior Member
10. December 2007 @ 14:04 |
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RicohJPN does not manufacture the discs. They own the stamper and MID code. Either Ritek or MBI will manufacture and package the discs.
Suspended permanently
10. December 2007 @ 14:19 |
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I had some Moserbaer disks once.. Philips branded cd-r.. not exactly great, just a little better than cmc's
Made in India (also verbatim cd-r disks are starting to appear from the same plant)
I wouldn't trust this Ricoh JPN maker for long.. as soon as they get the market established they tend to change to in house disks (see tuffdisk.. first release ty's.. later cmc-mag)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. December 2007 @ 14:26
Junior Member
12. December 2007 @ 19:18 |
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Ok, so I picked up a 10 pack of these to try out. I tested two so far and the results are as follows. The first Dl backup had an overall score of 88 using Nero Disc Quality Scan. What was interesting to note was that the second layer scored much better than the first layer. The second disc tested poorly.That said, the overall look of the finished print looks better than any other glossy disc I have used. Ty Watershields have an unprintable white edge on their discs. These don't print with a white edge. The glossy finish is similar to the Watershields but overall these look better. So, poor test results but look fantastic. Not enough to make me want to purchase more, I just wish Ty or Verbatim would make DL hub printable glossy water resistant printable media that look as good as these do.
Senior Member
19. December 2007 @ 22:14 |
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I have burned approx 50 of these, and plan on buying more.
Best burned with a newer burner with newest firmware. Keep you burner clean, these discs are sensitive to dust on the laser. I clean my burners every 3 weeks with a dvd cleaner to get my best burn.
PIEs & PIFs totals are elevated. 500k+ PIEs, 2k+ PIFs. Maxes are acceptable(50+ PIEs, 2-3 PIFs).
I get my best burn with a Samsung S203B @ 4x. My Benq DW1655 HATES these discs BTW! My Lite-On LH20A1H & LH-20A1S are so-so with these.
I scan with a Lite-On 20A1S @ 4x and generally get a 93% score with CD/DVD Speed(with those burned with the 203B).
Time will tell on longevity, I've only been burning these for 2 months.
Print side is sweet. I've dumped a printed disc (cured for 24 hours) into a bucket of water and left it for 8 hrs. some fading but still highly visable. Doesn't smear with wet fingers.
I agree, these discs don't match up quality-wise with the Verbatims manufactured in Singapore. But they do compare with the ones made in India, IMO. So far, the only Verbatim printable DLs are still being made in the Singapore plant.
I think these discs are manufactured with a license with Ricoh, and as such, could be under more stringent quality control. It's also possible that they are also made with Ricoh's dye in addition to their stampers. If JoeRyan is monitoring this thread, maybe he can toss in his 2 cents on this.
At a 30% discount over the Verbatim printable DLs and being Hub-printable Water-resistant Glossys, I'll continue to 'test' these discs(now, how do I become a tester/get some free samples from MBI?).
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. December 2007 @ 22:16
Senior Member
19. December 2007 @ 23:26 |
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So it looks like these disc could be good or bad depending on the burner then? I too have a lity and a BenQ 1655 so thanks for that heads up if I ever decide to get these.
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20. December 2007 @ 18:38 |
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If the discs are from New Delhi, India, then they are coming from the MBI plant. If the MID code is RicohJPN, then Ricoh has approved the use of or supplied the stampers as well as the dyes used. It is very likely that the discs are inverse stack production--a certainty if the disc speed is rated at 8X. That's why some older DL drives will have problems with them while newer drives will work better. (I believe that even older drive with modified firmware will also be able to record on them well--but drive manufacturers cannot afford to support their older products these days. That's why using 8X DL will generally require a newer drive.)
Senior Member
20. December 2007 @ 23:09 |
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Thanks for the explanation, JoeRyan. Your input is always appreciated.
X360 - iXtreme1.4 ||| Xbox - EvoX Dash ||| PS2 - CC 2.0 PRO SLE ||| Dreamcast ...lol ||| NDS - Acekard 2/M3 Simply/EZ Flash 3-1 ||| Rooted HTC Hero with Ic3rom
Junior Member
2. January 2008 @ 22:45 |
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I tried one of these discs with my BenQ1650DW and the burn failed. Just replaced that drive with a Lite-0n DH-20A4P and will be interested with its results with this media. This link to Lite on claims this media is listed as one of its recommended DVD+DL choices with burn speeds @ 4X, 6X or 8X. NEC Drive works fine with this media as well. http://homepage2.nifty.com/yss/dh20a4p/dh20a4p_top.htm
9. January 2008 @ 22:46 |
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I second everything my buddy Hobbit112 said. These discs are very solid, and the printed surface is nothing short of amazing. I've burned 20 so far, and all have played flawlessly in both my Sony and Philips set-top players. I haven't run disc scans, but I do check the "Verify" function whenever I burn a DL disc with ImgBurn. About three of these discs hacked phlegm at the layer break during verification (the rest verified fully), but for me the proof is in the pudding...does a player navigate the layer break or not. In each case where the disc didn't verify both of my players still liked the burned disc. Based on my initial results I plan to dump Ritek entirely and only buy Verbs if I find a truly great deal, otherwise I'm sticking with these MB's. Solid quality for a full-face, glossy DL printable is something we've all been waiting for, and now we've got it, IMO.
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16. February 2008 @ 16:37 |
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I'll be glad when somone comes out with hub printable silver finish dl discs, but for now I think I will try out these glossy's to see how they look, and how well the img burns. I will be using my new Epson RX595 to print images. My burners are LG lightscribes, but I don't remember the models, they are pretty new though. I'll report back with my findings.
24. May 2008 @ 14:34 |
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As much as I hate dredging up old threads, I have a question about these discs and some comments made above.
I just bought two new DVD writers, a Pioneer DVR-215D and a Samsung SH-S203N. Both have the latest firmware as of this morning. I, too, like the printability of these Moser Baer discs, but even with my new burners, I cannot seem to get a decent burn/scan out of them. My scanning drive is an older BenQ DW1655.
Samsung at 4x (from Nero DiscSpeed):
PI errors
Maximum: 159 (Hobbit112 said "50+ PIEs")
Average: 28.33
Total: 890057 ("500k+ PIEs")
PI failures
Maximum: 27 ("2-3 PIFs")
Average: 0.05
Total: 13258 ("2k+ PIFs")
PO failures: 0
Maximum: 13.5 %
Average: 10.13 %
Quality score: 57
Pioneer at 4x:
PI errors
Maximum: 104
Average: 22.90
Total: 719447
PI failures
Maximum: 13
Average: 0.05
Total: 13314
PO failures: 0
Maximum: 11.7 %
Average: 8.88 %
Scanning Statistics
Elapsed time: 21:25
Number of samples: 31321
Average scanning interval: 8.03 ECC
Glitches removed: 0
Quality score: 92
Better, but not as good as Hobbit112 is getting.
@ Hobbit112: Are you doing anything special to accomplish the burns you have? I can dismiss slightly different results, but I can't get even close to what you're reporting. And these are 48-hour old drives.
Junior Member
24. May 2008 @ 17:31 |
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My scans with these discs are similar running 90 to 92. Not great, however, they offer the best printed results and at a reasonable price too. My Benq burner hates them, my Lite-on loves them and my NEC likes them as well. I have had no playback problems whatsover with these. I also purchased the Moser Baer DVD-R hub printable glossy's and they are good also. I burn them at 6X with no problems.
Senior Member
24. May 2008 @ 18:03 |
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Hey Ray,
Welcome to AD, if no one has welcomed you yet. :D
First off, it took my burners about a half dozen discs before they learned how to burn them best. Secondly, I've noticed that there is variation between tubs and some variation within a tub of discs. Thirdly, you will get different scanning results depending on what brand drive you scan with. Most of my scans are performed on a lite-on lh-20a1h. You really can't compare scans performed on a benq vs one performed on a lite-on except on the most basic level, i.e., the Quality Score. I also scan at 4x. It is my experience on my drives that I get a better scan. If I scan at 8x I generally get a high spike at the very beginning. Up until this week, my scans were performed with cd/dvd speed v. I have just started using Discspeed and haven't done any comparisons.
Here is a scan of a disc I just burned today on my Samsung 203B:

My maxes have about doubled since my initial post, don't know why. Might need to clean my drives. They still play fine on my stand alone players which is the main test.
Oh, and I use ImgBurn for all my DL burns.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. May 2008 @ 18:23
Senior Member
24. May 2008 @ 18:35 |
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Here's a scan comparision for you. I don't remember if these scans are of the same disc or 2 different discs.
Here is the Lite-On scan:

Here is the Benq scan:

BTW, I hope you notice that these are Made In India Verbatim DLs. Burned at 2.4x on my Benq DW1655. I'd say the Moser Baer DLs compare favorably.
To be fair, since I don't burn the MBIs on my Benq, here is a scan of a Made In India Verbatim DL burned @ 2.4x on my Lite-On LH-20a1h:

If you ignore the spike at the layer break, it's not a bad burn. Played fine.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. May 2008 @ 21:11
24. May 2008 @ 20:03 |
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Originally posted by Mozilfox: I also purchased the Moser Baer DVD-R hub printable glossy's and they are good also. I burn them at 6X with no problems.
That's good to know since I also bought some of those but haven't tried to burn any yet. They're less critical to me since Taiyo Yuden does make a similar printable (water resistant, glossy, hub printable) DVD-R disc that does well. I think the printable surface on the Moser Baers is still better, though.
I really need to get comfortable with these DLs because they're the only game in town for a hub printable water resistant glossy DL.
24. May 2008 @ 20:40 |
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Thanks for the welcome, Hobbit.
I guess our scan results aren't as different as I imagined. My best test so far as been the Pioneer burn I mentioned above. I'll rescan some of these at 4x (I have been using the default 8x) and see if they look better.
I've gotten the PIFs down a bit on 8x and 6x burns on the Pioneer but with significantly elevated PIEs and higher jitter. The Sunsung choked with an I/O Error at the layer break at 8x on these discs so I've been concentrating on the Pioneer.
I burn everything with ImgBurn, too. I use the BenQ for scanning because that was my "old" burner and it's what I have. I moved it to an external USB enclosure to make room for my two new drives. I'm told that a BenQ or a LiteOn is better than the Pioneer or Samsung for scanning.
The irony in all of this is that until a couple of months ago, I'd just rip, shrink, burn, and if I got a positive verification, I'd was happy. Once I learned about scanning, it's become an obsession. LOL 92 isn't good enough. Must get to 95. Must get PIEs below 50. ;)
I have to remind myself that the real test is how well it plays.
Junior Member
15. June 2008 @ 13:38 |
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I have not seen anyone asks any questions about it so I will.. Are these disc anywhere in the same range when it comes to quality of play with the 360 compared to the verbatim dl printabales? I usually only stick with the Verbatims when using DLs for my 360 backups, but my friend always buys cheap Memorex and have zero problems. I am never going to put a Memorex into my system, but am starting to think there may be something a lot cheaper that will get me the same quality as the Verbs, but def not as low as memorex.
Senior Member
15. June 2008 @ 15:04 |
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I don't have a 360 so no info on that from me.
BTW, the Memorex DLs code out as Riteks I've been told, which is decent media. I've used Ritek DLs alot and only stopped using them because I wanted the hub printables.
Actually, if you are getting the Made In India Verbatim DLs I think they are made in the same plant as these MBI DLs(Moser Baer is making some of Verbatim's DLs).
Senior Member
15. June 2008 @ 15:20 |
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Ooops! Double post.
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Junior Member
21. June 2008 @ 08:29 |
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I do not really understand the whole scan thing, but I got some of these and did my first scan last night. I used my Optiarc 7203S to burn at 4X and the same drive to scan. Here is what I got. Is this good?
