Hi all, am a newbie so go gently please. Have sat at this computer all day and think i know less now than when i started searching this morning. Situation is:- my kids have a V9 ps2 with a mod chip has had 2 lasers and is starting to get a bit funny again. I have got a new network adaptor and took a 20gb maxtor HDD out of one of our old computers. What i am wondering is what i need to have to make this all work. I have spent all day surfing from one forum to the next and following from link to link and am now totally confused. I would like to be able to load the kids games onto the hdd so as to avoid or save usng the laser. Can someone please help with a simple explanation of what to do. Cheers. Ron.
first of all, is your ps2 modded or do you have swap magic? If you dont have those then you'll need to perform the Independence exploit with using a ps1 disk or codebreaker. Im not familiar with them at all but you can find guides here to make it:
do you know what kind of modchip is in the system? because if you have a matrix infinity greendot, dms4, crystal chip, or one that has flash memory, then you can store ps2 ELF files onto it. hdloader 0.8b is what you want to use. if your modchip does not have flash memory, then you can burn a hdloader 0.8b iso onto a cd.
as for the network adapter and hdd, they're pretty straightforward; set the hdd jumper to master, connect it to the network adapter, and insert into the ps2 expansion slot and screw down.
your 20gig is very small, and some games are dual layer; best thing is to get a nice, hefty size IDE hdd. probably around 100-200gigs. i have a 300gig maxtor and 30 games on it. currently, 100gigs is being used up. if you go with western digital hdds, then you'll have to modify the network adapter to accept them. maxtor is recommended, since sony used them as the official hdd.
the best way to load games is through the computer. loading games from the ps2 will take at least an hour per game. with the computer, you can rip all the games into iso format with dvd decrypter, and load them onto the hdd with winhiip.
Hi guys thanks for the replys. Yes it has a mod chip but no i dont know what sort. I have noticed mentioned many versions of hdloader including a retail disc so i am confused as to which i need. Do i also need to use an original play station disc for something? No problem setting up the hard drive i am fine with that and yes i do realise that it is quite small. I allready had it here when i decided i would try and make this all work with every intention of getting something larger. We have all our computers networked through a router so i wish to run the ps2 on the network to transfer games across. I noticed some programs called winhiip or hdl dump/dumb is that what they are for. What is easier to use. So i guess first things first, do we really need to know for sure what type of chip ive got? There is no logo on the screen when the ps2 first starts up would the actual chip have anything on it if i open the box? Thanks again.Ron.
the modchip is not a problem; you can just burn hdloader onto a cd, and boot it right away. still uses the laser, but it will shut off when hdloader is loaded. the only way to verify the modchip is to open the system, and compare it with pictures of other modchips. having a modchip with flash memory is a plus, if you want to avoid the laser.
transferring games via network is slightly faster than loading games with the ps2, but connecting the hdd to the computer (directly or usb enclosure) and using winhiip is highly recommended. dvd decrypter will rip the game into iso format in under five minutes. and you can just load all of the isos at one time with winhiip.
also, if your kids do online gaming, you HAVE TO use the original game disc (copied games must be patched before burning). the game will fail the DNAS test when you try to connect with the hdd game.
some games won't play at all when installed on the hdd; you'll have to use the disc. go HERE to see if your games can be played from the hdd.