well, im trying to encode an .avi to an .mpg with tmpgenc, on the output file i only get the audio, and black screen... i thought "obviously it has something to do with the video, so i tried to use virtualdub to reencode the .avi using full processing mode in the video tab and direct stream copy in the audio tab.. finally the result was the same... the new .avi encoded by virtualdub doesnt showed video,, only the audio and the black screen....
Does it show the video when played on any AVI player i.e. Media Player Classic, FLV Player etc...? Find necessary codecs using GSpot and install them.
I overlooked your first post. What are you trying to accomplish by encoding an .AVI to .MPG? Both formats can be viewed on your PC anyway. Download this, and see if it'll fix the .AVI.