i really can't tell the difference when i watch a movie that i recorded using DVD Shrink on my regular DVD player
if i get an up convert player will you lose quality??
Thanks for your help
Originally posted by djstretch: i really can't tell the difference when i watch a movie that i recorded using DVD Shrink on my regular DVD player
if i get an up convert player will you lose quality??
Thanks for your help
I think he meant will it be easier to spot compression on our back ups. If that's the case, yes, but that's mostly because anything that isn't HD on an HDTV will look nasty.
Otherwise, an upconverter will improve the way the video looks.
Latest AnyDVD to rip > VOBB to blank the unwanted on a DVD > Shrink to compress > ImgBurn to burn = Never starting a thread asking how to backup a movie
To my eye my backups look better when i play them back with my upconvert dvd player. My back up of the new Pirates movie played beautifully and was burned at 80% to fit on one disc. I'm using a projection hdtv, not sure what it would look like on a plasma..
My HDTV is 'only' a lowly 32", but some of my movies are 44% compression (films/discs with that much compression are via DVD Rebuider), though even films done with DVD Shrink look very good upconverted