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ConvertXtoDVD says same size despite hi/low
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Junior Member
7. December 2007 @ 12:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I'm a newbie to using ConvertXtoDVD, can this software compress to use less space on media? I'm confused because when I change the encoding settings from high to low, I see no change in "on media" size. I very much expect this number to increase when I pick high, and decrease when I pick low quality, but it remains adamantly same. Before I start a long conversion process, can you please tell me if this Gb has bearing in reality or it's just an approximate. It looks like to me (in a silly fashion) converts to the exact same inflated regardless of encoding selection, and I should have to use a SECOND software SHRINKDVD to FIX it afterwards. Is this right?

Sorry, I looked at the sticky threads and did searches for "on media", could not find a relevant post prominently. Or do I just have to plow through two whole conversions, one on high, one on low, to determine where the lie is.

AfterDawn Addict
7. December 2007 @ 17:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The media size won't change unless you select a custom size.
The setting is a target into which it must fit the running time of the video.
If you wish, you may set the target lower (3000MB)and leave the encoding (speed/quality) setting alone - and it will (invisibly) reduce the sampling rate to squeeze the time onto the target - thus lower quality.
You could also leave the target at 4300 and set the encoding to a lower quality setting - it will lower the quality and likely not use up the allocated 4300MB.
Junior Member
7. December 2007 @ 21:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks. I don't plan on changing the media size at all, I want use up the my stack of DVDs entirely to max capacity as possible. I'm leaving the default size (4300MB or whatever). But I wish it would accurately predict the size it would use. Looks like I can overload it past the target set, let's say with a whole bunch of episodes, and the more episodes I load in past the limit, it will just compress it to a progressively worse quality.

Let's say the stuff I load it up with lots of episodes. A random example is it will take up 6GB. It won't really come out to 6GB, it will do whatever crazy compression is necessary to fit in exactly my set 4.3 GB, or whatever the MB>GB converts to. Right? Looks like the predicted size is meaningless, because you say it will really compress to what I set. Does this make sense? Sorry if it doesn't, I'll rephrase it if necessary. > forums > archived forums > mpeg-1 and mpeg-2 encoding (avi to dvd) > convertxtodvd says same size despite hi/low

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