I want to copy my Planet Earth DVD?s and get the best results. I don?t care about the peripherals, I just want to be able to bring up a menu with the 3 titles on each disk & be able to choose which one I want to view. Also what is the best software to use on this and other purchased DVD?s to insure the best results. Do I use different software to put it on the Hard Drive and then Shrink it? I?ve noticed a lot of you recommend DVD Shrink & DVD Decrypter, are these pretty reliable and if so is there instructions for Dummies (not that I?m a Dummy, but for the sake of argument let?s say I am) that will tell me all I need to know to get great results.
Uncle Bob
There is plenty of info in the guides on this site, but,
To give you a short answer based on your requirement and what i would do, especially since you seem to focus on retaining quality :-
I would rip the whole disc to your HDD using DVD Decrypter in ISO read mode.
This will create an exact copy of the disc with a .iso file and a .mds file as an ouput.
Use imgburn to burn the .mds file to a dual layer (+R) Verbatim disk.
Summary of software:
DVD Decrypter (no longer updated)
IMGburn (created by the DVDDecrypter developer for burning but does not RIP)
Summary of hardware:-
Dual layer capable DVD R/W Drive.
+R Dual layer blank disks.
Overaul, the above is a very simple method to create a back-up of those disks you own.
It is of course possible to rip them in another file format, shrink and / or extract content you don't want and burn to a single layer disk or even create your own menu's but you need to get your reading glasses on and be prepared to get it wrong a few times.
Byngo has good advice. If you burn the discs to +R DLs (Verbatim) with ImgBurn you'll get the disc without any compression-best picture. Using any other program, will compress the disc, and the "Planet Earth" series deserves a DL disc-it's that good.