how do i shrink after dvdfabdecrypter with a title menu, i used dvdfabhd decrrypter (main movie) and when i burnt dvd theres no menu just the movie any help???
Originally posted by panheadmd: i've tried it both ways after shrinking it, it comes up error reallocated failed, just can't figure out what i'm doing wrong
, i mean after i shrink it and try to burn it with nero it tells me error...reallocation of files failed???
Ok first what type of DVD are you burning is it a original DVD, self made dvd(dvd you made your self) or a backup copy of a dvd you are trying to burn???? The best way to burn dvds for the first time is use dvd shrink if dvd shrink comes to an error while encoding or burning then get dvd decrypter and use dvdD to decrypt the dvd and then use dvd shrink point dvd shrink in the direction where the dvd files are that dvd decrypter decryted and let shrink do its work!!! Let us know how it worked!!!!peace
i've done the dvd shrink on the original dvd, it worked, then when i use nero to burn from my backup file, it errors and says reallocation of files has failed you may not be able to view??????
then I went ahead and burnt the copy anyway and it just locks up...
all i want to have is the title menu and main movie, but all i seem to be getting is main movie if i use dvdfab hd decrypter(main movie, not full disc)....full disc is what was giving me all the problems to begin with, so i thought i'd just burn the main movie, which i can , but how do i get the title menu to appear at the beginning of dvd, like a normal dvd??