Want to restore your Microsoft Dashboard to it's Retail State? Read Inside.
16. August 2007 @ 01:20 |
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Well yeah can you send me the Dual boot Softmod File please?
AIM= xLoGiK1
16. August 2007 @ 01:27 |
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Wait, also how would I copy the Dual Boot Softmod file to the Hardrive of my Xbox if I can't access the original MS Dash?
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
16. August 2007 @ 10:44 |
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Well you could put the MSDash on a data DVD. And launch Xbox Media Center and run "xboxdash.xbe" and then do what you would normally do to transfer over game save files from your PC to Xbox.
If this is inconvenient or you can't do this, there is a program called Xbox Save Manager and works like an FTP program, meaning your must be able to connect your PC to your Xbox and send over files through FTP (file transfer protocol) while you are on your modded dashboard which I think you said was UnleashX. Either way your gonna need to get the save game files or The save manager program or both.
PM me your email and let me know what you need. And remember to mention whether it's the PAL or NTSC game saves you need.
17. August 2007 @ 01:15 |
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Hey mik3h I PMed you, Read it when you get a chance because I explained everything to you in detail again, Thanks.
18. August 2007 @ 12:45 |
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Good Guide! :)
Dont die on me...
16. November 2007 @ 12:22 |
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it is possible to unrar the file -> ms-dash-mik3h.rar
and burn it on a cd-rw and boot it from the xbox?
also how could i ftp into my xbox if i dont have a modified dash?
I recently purchaed a 25ft crossover cable to be able to connect to xbox though ftp,
im using flashfxp and a roadrunner modem. i dont have a updated dashboard either just the msdash
everytime i try to do a softmod using splintercell and action replay saves i keep getting a black screen or a error 21 screen.
also I have the files from Krayzie Ndure Installer and SID 4.0 Nknave
neither one works, im using action replay considering its the only memory card i have and own.
alot of them just goes to a blank black screen while other produce a error 21 screen.
any help is greatly appreciated.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
16. November 2007 @ 13:22 |
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Probably won't work on a CD, so you'll have to put it on a DVD-R.
Also make sure that you are using PAL saves for PAL games and vice versa with NTSC. Also make sure you are NOT using the platinum/classic edition of the game, use the original version of the game.
Also a temporary FTP link is opened once the SID installer is loaded.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. November 2007 @ 13:23
16. November 2007 @ 14:12 |
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Thanks Mik3h,
whats the best program to burn the files and should i make it as a data dvd?
also wheres a good place to get the splinter cell saves, most files are corrupt at codejunkies.com
thanks alot for your help im gonna try that dvd method soon.
16. November 2007 @ 14:39 |
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also do i burn the ms-c folder or open it and burn everything inside that folder?
sorry for so many questions im new to all this.
17. November 2007 @ 10:11 |
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hey mik3h,
i opened the ms-c folder and burned everything in that folder on a dvd-r and it still wont read or understand the disk, any help or suggestions?
thanks in advance
19. November 2007 @ 09:12 |
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
19. November 2007 @ 11:27 |
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Sorry, been at school all day..
Use a good quality data disc. Verbatim/Taiyo Yuden or something, poor quality DVD-Rs will not work well with the Xbox.
Once you've done that, use the file explorer in XBMC or on your dashboard or on another file explorer app. And then simply copy over the contents of the RAR file over to the C partition.
1 product review
19. November 2007 @ 12:47 |
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bumping is not allowed, edit your post when it is the last one in a thread.
19. November 2007 @ 17:18 |
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sorry about that LOCOENG,
thats ok Mik3h,
far as dvd discs i use nothing but Verbatims,
i burnt the content of ms-c folder and nothing happened,
i have also tried to update my dash using live online enabled games,
splinter cell original, nfl 25k, burnout revenge, and blitz the league,
none of them didnt update my dash any other suggestions?
also should i burn the dvd as a data disc or as a raw image?
and whats the best software to burn it with ?
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
21. November 2007 @ 11:50 |
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It should be burned as a Data DVD, and then uise a file explorer application on our Xbox (some dashboards already have this) then copy the contents over to the C folder. If you can't access this, then let me know I'll help you get a file explorer tool on your XB.
22. November 2007 @ 08:43 |
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thanks Mik3h,
well i dont know what to do, i used this method to unlock my hdd
it did unlock my hdd and i installed a fresh copy of C to partition 3 from your dash.
i dont know what or how to get my EEPROM.bin or where its located,
any help is greatly helpful all i need to do now is relock my hdd then hopefully it'll work.
*crosses fingers*
thanks in advance
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
22. November 2007 @ 12:08 |
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I don't think you had to unlock the drive. You can do it with a file explorer like I mentioned previously. Try re-locking and let me know how you get on.
22. November 2007 @ 12:14 |
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thanks mik3h,
thats just it though i dont know how to relock the drive, and i dont know where my eeprom.bin is located,
can you add me to msn messenger??
thanks man
17. December 2007 @ 10:57 |
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Ok so my friend gave me a modded xbox i modded halo 2 before every thing was fine and my xbox broke later.
So i was trying to take off the mod on the xbox when i took it off when i start my xbox nothing comes up so i reinstaled the mod and put in the ms dash bored i can see it now only with the mod when ever i take the mod off i cant see it. The e drive was full of all mod stuff so i tried to delete the e drive i backed the stuff up. but i cant put it back on and the spilnter cell disk works still but no linux file any more...
Can some one help me?
Or am i fucked?
Junior Member
21. December 2007 @ 20:51 |
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hey mate, my xbox still runs evox, but it no longer runs ms dash, nd when ii ftp, theres nothing in c and i cant put anything in c
please help
26. December 2007 @ 20:50 |
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i tried to softmod my xbox and i get error 5 then i get passed that and then i get error 16 i cant ftp in to my xbox can you pm me with more help with the 2 method
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
28. December 2007 @ 07:02 |
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name0 - You'll have to find a way of putting the splinter cell file on. If you can load the modded dash, you can download a tool called - "XBSM - Xbox Save Manager" which lets you connect to your Xbox and transfer save files, which you could do with the splinter cell file. Otherwise youll need to get action replay with the memory card or something an find a way to transfer the game save on.
trav_555 - What do you mean when you FTP it doesn't let you transfer files? Are you sure you are connectd? What FTP software are you using?
ssbs - You have two choices. Either - -Get a friend with a modded xbox.
-Unlock his hdd with eeprom management from a slayer evo-x cd.
-Than, place his hdd in your xbox.
-Boot with your chip on.
-Now the xbox DOES find a dashboard when you boot in original mode and you can set the time in the msdashboard clock settings.
-Shut off xbox and remove your friends hdd
-PLace his hdd back in his xbox and lock it again
-Install your hdd
-(clock has been set) So boot up with slayer cd.
-Install normally whatever you wanna install
-lock hdd
ie. You have a modchip Which will not boot your friends xbox (1.3) - Prepare the boot CD with the required setup to flash your friends modchip with the 4979 bios. Make damned sure you know what you are doing here as if you mess it up you may have just messed up your friends xbox. Assuming this first flash went ok, remove the chip from your friends xbox, insert it into your own and boot to the same CD. FTP into the xbox and repair/replace the dashboard files. Sometimes if you cannot get the dash to work, but you have a backup at another location it may get a little more complicated. (it did for me) In this case you need to be able to boot at another location but your friend will obviously not let you keep his modchip indefinitely. In this case after booting your PC with your friends modchip, you hotswap the chip with your own and flash your chip. Your chip will not boot your xbox from a CD.
B. Your modchip can boot your friends xbox. Insert your chip into friends PC, boot to CD, flash modchip. Insert modchip back into your xbox, boot to CD and FTP into the xbox to repair/replace the dashboard files.
Or, if you are using the modchip, this should let you bypass the Xbox bios, with the chip's own. But are you using a softmod?
28. December 2007 @ 15:00 |
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ty how to you think it wood work if i put the ms dash files on the hdd with explorer 360 and i dont have e backup i have herd that they are not that big of a thing
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
30. December 2007 @ 10:56 |
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If you haven't already tried it, then yes, trying putting the dashboard files and using a file explorer to transfer them to the C drive.
30. December 2007 @ 19:12 |
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i did but im runing vista and win i opend 360 it stoped working i have used all the file explorers i can find but they all stop working or cant find fatx drive and the hard drive is unlock i used my frends computer that is runing xp and ran fatxexlorer it opend the drive and then stoped working to so im out of ideas. if some one has a suggestions please post it.
thank you all for the help