I have a small, but annoying problem when watching DVDs on my computer - the picture is a little too bright and it is very annoying since it ruins the quality. I have tried playing the DVD through either Windows Media Player, Media Player Classic, or almost any other player. It only appears to be good in VLC, but I prefer the Media Player Classic much more. In MPC, I have a few choices for renderer - VM9, Old Renderer, System Default, Overlay, and a few others. The problem occurs under VM7 or VM9. Under Overlay it's good but when I put it in fullscreen I see a blank screen. In System Default, the quality is good, but the picture is shifted up a bit instead of being in the center (for widescreen) and the menu buttons are shifted in a different location. I think this only happened after I installed the nVidia PureVideo software, which I've uninstalled since but the problem is still there.
So I guess the question is whether I can get Media Player Classic and WMP to use the VLC codecs or can you suggest a codec that will fix the issue? (I used to use K-Lite, but it still gives me that problem so I have DivX and Xvid installed instead). Or is there any way to adjust the current codec?