Everytime I try and play a burned DVD on my DVD player, it would freeze about two to five seconds into the DVD, and restart all over again. I have tried different burners to burn the ISO onto the DVD, but the results are all the same.
I originally had an AVI file, which I converted to an ISO file using Avi2Dvd. From there, I tried burning the ISO onto a DVD using, at first, DVD Decrypter and then later ImgBurn. I use SonyDVD+R for burning my ISO and usually burn at 4x. Both burners resulted in the DVD freezing after a couple seconds during playback. What is weird is that the DVD plays fine on my computer. I use several different media players to open the DVD, and nothing is wrong. I could not find any post that had exactly my problem, though I may be mistaken, which I am sorry for if I did make a mistake.
Everything is fine except when I play the burned DVD on the DVD player. Can anyone help me figure out this problem?
oh man. i have exactly the same problem. burned dvds 4 years ,never anything wrong.then all of a sudden some dvds just restart themselves.over and over.
This i sthe only bit of info related to my problem i have found after hours of searching.i reinstalled updated codecs,dont know if that has worked yet.
can anyone tell me why after i convert from divx to dvd and play in dvd player, the movie screen rolls like an old uhf tv channel?....if i play it in computer it is fine????
what an I doing wrong??
panheadmd- Having similar problem- ok on pc -flickers on tv -I have one dvd play ok but cannot see any difference in the files. Will advise if I solve. Your not alone.
panheadmd (Junior Member) 3. January 2008 @ 13:07
can anyone tell me why after i convert from divx to dvd and play in dvd player, the movie screen rolls like an old uhf tv channel?....if i play it in computer it is fine????
what an I doing wrong??
jjbotkin (Newbie) 15. January 2008 @ 16:45
panheadmd- Having similar problem- ok on pc -flickers on tv -I have one dvd play ok but cannot see any difference in the files. Will advise if I solve. Your not alone.
I've been having the exact same problem. I'd convert file using winAvi to dvd and everything plays fine in Nero, or other players. But as soon as I burn and try the disc in my dvd player...I'm reminded of extreme tracking issues with VHS. Am I missing a codec or what? can anyone help?
This sounds similar to the problem when the wrong video standard is used in the conversion.
It should be NTSC for North America and PAL for the rest of the world.
The PC will accept either, but not the standalone player.
It is indeed a ntsc/Pal problem. I corrected after converting to correct type of file (AVI) to use AVI2DVD or DVDFLICK software to convert to ntsc. Then used DVD2AVI to convert back to burn.