Hey guys. I lent a movie that I had ripped,to a friend but when I got it back it would not play on my pc. The disk is in perfect condition physically but now when I put it onto my pc the media player freezes up and I get 'not responding'from Task Manager and have to shut it down that way. I have since discovered that several of my ripped movies (but not all) that I have previously watch on many occasions on my pc,react the same way. Is this possibly to do with a Windows update?
I have xp home and use Media Player Classic and Intervideo Home Theater.
How long ago were they burned? It is possible if the media used was poor quality or if it was a bad burn(too fast).They might even play okay in a standalone, but be impossible to rip.
using quality media like Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim burning no faster than 8x solves alot of playback problems down the road.
do a nero quality scan on the dvds your having problems with and see what you come up with. my bet you will get very low scores. this what is considered a good scan vvv
using the better media mentioned is very important for prolong use of burned media. And many times when you can't replay a DVD it's the case of bad media that doesn't last as long as good media or a bad burn that finally won't play anymore or can't rip what was burned! But, for some strange reason I have seen, AFTER WINDOW UPDATES, that my media center and my programs for playing media has changed it settings with the update!! Weird, huh? Not only did a Windows update changed my preferred program to play/record back to Windows Media Player but stopped certain programs to function properly! This is why it's important to make a System Restore Point BEFORE you update windows. So as much as it is important to use good quality media that has been proven to withstand time and quality tests, it's also important to know that things can change with your programs, system and computer as a whole with some Windows updates and make sure you make a System Restore Point, or even back up your computer on the whole on a regular basis! It's a good practice and then if you feel you did do a Windows update and your programs are not working as usual do use that Restore Point and go back to a previous state where your computer WAS working properly with the programs of your choice! When you do this and you still have a problem with your media not working then you really know that it's a media problem and not a Windows update! good luck.
Originally posted by cyprusrom: How long ago were they burned? It is possible if the media used was poor quality or if it was a bad burn(too fast).They might even play okay in a standalone, but be impossible to rip.
Yes they play on my dvd player through the tv. So it may be because they are cheap disks yes? I know cheap blank dvd's dont last forever but like a year?
If you read IHoe's post, and nothing aplyes to you, than the best bet it low quality media. That, plus the way they were burned, stored,labels(if aplicable), they all can contribue to your problem