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Full Guide to Gamecube Backup/Booting
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Senior Member
12. December 2003 @ 07:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My PM box is full with requests for info on Gamecube backups so here's a basic tutorial:

Full Gamecube backup/load tutorial v1.0


Phase 1: Initialize the memory card
Tools Needed: PSUL v1.1
Phantasy Star Online Game Disc
Memory Card
Gamecube Broadband Adapter

Note: If you actually play Phantasy Star Online, you may want to use another memory card for this. Also, you only

have to initialize your memory card once, not before each rip or game load.

Step 1: Boot Phantasy Star Online Game Disc
Pretty self explanitory.

Step 2: Setup Network Profile

When prompted for the TCP/IP settings, choose manual, do not auto-disconnect, and enter an IP address of with a subnet mask and a default gateway of For the Primary DNS server,

enter Start the PSUL utility on the PC side with the following DOS prompt command: "psul -s". This

make your PC into a sort of Phantasy Star Online game server. Now start an online game using the character you

chose and the DOL file will upload to your memory card allowing you to transfer game data to and from your PC.

Step 3: Configure TCP/IP on your PC

Access the TCPI/IP properties for the network card on your PC and change the IP address to

with a subnet mask of No default gateway is required for this to work.

Step 4: Create a Character for Online Play

Next, create a character. It really doesn't how or which character you choose. When prompted for your

hunter's license, enter anything you wish. It also might be handy to select the save password to memory card as

well so you don't have to enter it each time.

Step 5: Start it all up

On your PC, run "psul -s" at a DOS prompt. It should then say waiting for connection or someting to that

effect. Next, start an online game of Phantasy Star using the character profile you chose. It will then try to

connect to your PC. If successful, your PC will display the messages "Saving user info on memory card..." and



Phase 2: Extract ISO Image from Game Disc

Tools Needed: Gamecube ISO Ripping Server
Download Here: No link currently known
Initialized Memory Card (See Phase 1)
Phantasy Star Online Game Disc
Gamecube Broadband Adapter

Step1: Boot Phantasy Star Online Game Disc
Pretty self explanatory.

Step 2: Start Gamecube ISO Ripping Server

Run the Gamecube ISO Ripping Server tool on your PC you configured above. Select the destination folder and

name for the Gamecube game image file to be created then start the utility. You should get a message stating that

it is waiting for a connection.

Step 3: Start Phantasy Star Online game in online mode
Start Phantasy Star Online in online mode. It will connect to the server running on the PC and start

downloading the ripper code from it. When this is complete, a red screen will appear on the Gamecube and shortly

thereafter, you will be prompted to insert the disc you want to rip within 10 seconds. Do this, and once the 10

seconds has passed, your PC will start downloading the image from the disc. When complete, you should have a game

disc image on your PC approximately 1.4GB in size. Approximate download time is about an hour or so.


Phase 3: Stream Game Disc Image to Gamecube

Tools Needed: Paradox GC Disc Server
Download Here:
Initialized Memory Card (See Phase 1)
Phantasy Star Online Game Disc
Gamecube Broadband Adapter

Step 1: Start Paradox GC Disc Server

Start the Paradox GC Disc server on your PC. Select the correct IP address for the Gamecube and the

Gamecube disc image file you wish to load. Click start then start an online game in Phantasy Star Online. It

should connect to your PC and start executing the game you uploaded.


Known Issues:

Remeber you are streaming game data to the Gamecube at 10 Megabits/sec. The broadband adapter is capable of

transferring data at 100 Megabits/sec., however, since the good folks at Sega assumed nobody has Internet faster

than 10 Megabits, they decided to lock the transfer speed down to that rate. There is currently as of this writing

no known fix for this but I hear something is in the works and may be released before Christmas. Games with lots of

FMV may run choppy due to peformance issues with the network speed and in-game music is usually affected as well.

One fix that helps in some cases is to remove your memory card when you get the group intro press start screen prior

to the actual game executing. To save your progress, insert your memory card when you need to save and remove it

when save completes.

If after reading this completely you have any trouble or issues feel to reply this post.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Suspended permanently
12. December 2003 @ 20:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks God i waited almost a life for this(actually just 2 years)
now can i have your phone hehe
well now i got several questions
hm i got one of the first gamecubes the model its Dol-001(Jap/Usa) i wonder if its going to work
another one hm where did you got this Gamecube ISO Ripping Server ? and at least a clue of where can we get it?
can we do the same with games that dont need the Gamecube Broadband Adapter like Zelda Windwaker Star Fox adventures Harvest Moon a Wonderfull life etc etc ?
Do we need the black memory card?
and if its preferiby to have a Dsl internet>? yup i guess
what about if something break the download or is it unbreakable?
and is there any secondary effects on your pc and in your gamecube?
thanks for everything sorry about my questions but im pretty curious about this thing
i will wait an answer my darling see ya!

Suspended due to non-functional email address
12. December 2003 @ 22:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
but you can't burn the games so if i want to play a gamecube game i have to have it hooked up to my pc at all times? and i don't own any of the stuff i need to do it (except the gamecube) how much would it cost to buy all the stuff?
Senior Member
14. December 2003 @ 15:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Lets see if I can answer some of those questions. First of all, I don't see why the Gamecube you have wouldn't work. Gamecube ISO Ripping Server was aquired by a research assistant of mine from a contact on the IRC. Sorry, I don't have any more information on that. Start searching the IRC I suppose until I can get someone to host the files I have on the net. As for the memory card, you need a memory card that meets the requirements for Phantasy Star Online. I think that's well within the capacity of the older low capacity memory card. Your Internet connection does not matter as how you are not going to connect your Gamecube to the Internet. If you have a router/switch you can connect it to that. What I did was setup a dedicated PC for this purpose and ran a Cat-5 crossover cable between that network card and the Gamecube. BTW, I'm an MCSE certified network engineer. As far as I can tell, there are no secondary effect on your Gamecube but if your PC is also connected to a network you might not be able to access network resources during the connection with the cube but that's temporary.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Senior Member
14. December 2003 @ 15:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

No, you cannot burn a disc that will run in the Gamecube and if you mean that your PC must remain connected to the Gamecube during the play of a backup and rip of a disc, then yes, it must be connected at all times. The programs needed are freeware, the game Phantasy Star Online can be bought. It's currently going for $50 new. If you can find it cheaper, go buy it. Network adapters are a little hard to come by but if you live in the 50 U.S. States, can be bought from for $34.95 + shipping and applicable sales tax. Those 2 items are all you need to buy.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
14. December 2003 @ 21:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In Phase 2/Step 3....where is the game to be ripped placed? In the Gamecube or in my PC? Also how big(in mb) is this Gamecube Ripping tool?

It seems to me that there should be some way to rip games to disc(DVD-R) and have them play from your PC thru the Gamecube connected via the network card.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´*Egomaniacal1*

Venni, Vetti, Vecci
Suspended permanently
15. December 2003 @ 07:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hm so in fewe words we cant do anything till we got the server do we ?
also what is this PSUL v1.1??? i got it but i have no idea of what it is
thanks for answer my earlier question and thanks for all Mr ICEMONKEY the respetable MCSE Cerftifed network enginner note im not making fun of that its justa kinda a sign of respect ahahhahaha
by Marie [ =
Suspended due to non-functional email address
15. December 2003 @ 21:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how big is the programs all together? why don't you just put it on a site and give us the link? also i heard that there is a way that you can get the gamecube to work without having it connected to the pc and burn the games to mini dvd discs is it true?
Suspended permanently
17. December 2003 @ 20:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hm crap it seems that i cant do nothin without the Gamecube Iso ripping Server
shit and it was a hell to get that BroadBord Adaptor
damn and gamecube doesnt have any good online games
Senior Member
17. December 2003 @ 23:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You specify the destination drive and folder in the utility itself. Specify it before starting the ripping process.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Senior Member
17. December 2003 @ 23:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

The PSUL utility is a simple program to allow Gamecube amature developers to upload executable code to the Gamecube using the Phantasy Star Onine exploit by tricking the game into thinking your PC is an online game server. The step involving this feature is required to configure your memory card to think your computer is the online game server.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Senior Member
17. December 2003 @ 23:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

The files altogether are approximately 750KB. I don't have the resources to host these files, although, I'll send them to someone who's seriously willing to host them. As far as just burning discs and playing them on the Gamecube, no, this has not been figured out as of yet to my knowledge. There does seem to be some interesting information floating aroud about the Panasonic Q being able to read burned DVD's but standard Gamecube's cannot read DVD format discs.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Senior Member
17. December 2003 @ 23:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry, double post (browser error).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. December 2003 @ 23:31

22. December 2003 @ 07:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dudes I upped that damn iso tools. Grab it down here
h t t p://
I also included the VB6 SP5 run time packet, downloaded from microsoft site. You must install it, as the readme says. Otherwise the program won't run. If you have problem, copy this file: regsvr32.exe from the win\system32 (in 98se is into system dir)into the directory where you installed the program.
:D bye!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. December 2003 @ 07:42

Senior Member
22. December 2003 @ 09:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not quite sure what that tool is you posted but it seems to be corrupt none the less. Could you try testing it on your end?

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
22. December 2003 @ 09:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it works "fine" with me. I mean that it works and it arrives at the red splash screen. But I can't get it work so on, like I already said to you in a pm....

why don't we meet on irc and you pass me your file? I'll be happy to up it on the site...
you can find me at anytime (except the night :P) at quakenet. pm me I am in #urtitalia

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. December 2003 @ 09:59

Senior Member
22. December 2003 @ 10:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, the one you posted the link to comes up corrupt when I try to extract it with WinRAR, but I'm at work and maybe it's the older version I have. As far as it hanging on the NET UDP OPEN command, make sure the one on the PC side is running as well. If so, make sure your network is configured correctly. To solve that problem, I put a 2nd network adapter in a dedicated PC and ran a cross-over cable between them.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Suspended due to non-functional email address
22. December 2003 @ 17:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
when you make the backup does it make a gcm file or an iso?
Senior Member
22. December 2003 @ 19:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It makes a gcm file that can only be upstreamed there is no way of burning gamecube games as of yet which would be nice.I heard they are making a program which makes gamecube isos files those but probably will take forever to be released.If you are looking to backup a GameCube game the best thing to do is wait until they have the emulator that makes GC isos or follow Icemonkey's steps.
Senior Member
22. December 2003 @ 19:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The best sites so far in my oppinion of finding tools for GameCube tools are or .Peace L-Burna keep looking for updates

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. December 2003 @ 19:22

Suspended due to non-functional email address
22. December 2003 @ 20:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
aaaahhhhh had to edit to many people asking

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. May 2004 @ 12:33

23. December 2003 @ 01:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mmm everything is set up like it should be. I'll try again later...
Senior Member
23. December 2003 @ 02:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They are probably fakes account but you can try to burn it I heard something about this with fireburner.I doubt they are real but if you are willing to try it out.You would also need something to load it maybe something like freeloader or action replay they could possibley be used in some way.I still think though if you could make a gamecube iso and get it to play it would still need to be upstreamed from the gamecube from a emulator that hasn't been released yet.
Senior Member
23. December 2003 @ 06:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The ISO images you have seen are legit, however, just because they are ISO's does not mean you can burn them to disc. Actually, you can I suppose but the Gamecube still will not not read them as how the Gamecube cannot read ISO standard DVD discs. Part of the problem is that the Gamecube reads outside-in like an old record player or more recently, the Dreamcast.

PS2 - v8
Mod - Magic V
Burner - CenDyne (Pioneer) DVR-A05
Media - Anything Cheap

Gamecube w/Broadband Adapter
Phantasy Star Online
Animal Crossing Loader v1.4
Phantasy Star Uploader v1.1
Gamecube ISO Ripping Server v1.0.0.29
Suspended due to non-functional email address
23. December 2003 @ 08:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i was looking around and i did find a couple of files that said how to mod a gamecube with a few wires so that it would read a mini dvd disc but i don't like soldering because i'll probably screw it up so if someone wants then i'll e-mail you the document or ou can find it yourself on the program i used (im not sure if i can put the name of it on here so just pm me) > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > full guide to gamecube backup/booting

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