OK, so here is the problem. I have put a friends PSP on custom firmware for him and he wanted a game, so I put it on his mmeory stick. The problem is it doesn't appear in the XMB. I have tried fiddling with Recovery settings, and it is definitely a memory stick problem as my memory stick CSOs work in his PSP. I have tried both ISOs and CSOs and both don't appear.
I am by all means not a PSP noob, I am just majorly stumped here.
It is a 1GB Sony PSP Memory Stick (I think it came in a 1GB bundle).
format the memory stick in the psp, and let it create the folders. then load the iso/cso in the ISO folder, and see if they appear. if they don't, then a new memory stick is needed, preferably a bigger one.
I did try formatting it, but not in the PSP. Will try now, but am not sure it'll work. And I agree he needs a bigger memory stick.
Will get back with results.
EDIT: Hmmm, it worked. Thanks a lot mate, I would have been deeply annoyed if I couldn't get it working. Don't know why the PC format didn't work. Oh well, thanks again.
Originally posted by DPUMA8: If there is no ISO folder, then create one yourself. Right click and make a older called ISO. Put the games in there. That is all you need to do.
I made one, it wasn't working.
I fixed the problem thanks to the great help of cee43ja1.
Please read.
I formated the memory stick (2GB) - made the ISO folder thru windows explorer, copied "MedalEsp.cso" (medal of honour) but the game is not showing in the PSP. help?!
I am formating the memory stick in the PSP, but it's not creating any ISO folder, I have to make it myself thru windows. and when I put the games there, it is shown as corupted data on the psp
Originally posted by ElXando: OK, so here is the problem. I have put a friends PSP on custom firmware for him and he wanted a game, so I put it on his mmeory stick. The problem is it doesn't appear in the XMB. I have tried fiddling with Recovery settings, and it is definitely a memory stick problem as my memory stick CSOs work in his PSP. I have tried both ISOs and CSOs and both don't appear.
I am by all means not a PSP noob, I am just majorly stumped here.
It is a 1GB Sony PSP Memory Stick (I think it came in a 1GB bundle).
I had this problem, i decompressed the medalesp.cso back to an iso imagine using psp iso compressor 1.4 by danny kay
and it solveed my problem