Several days ago, rumors circulated that Paramount was preparing to drop the HD DVD format for the rival Blu-ray Disc format following a Financial Times report. Paramount denied the claim (not the first time a denial of this kind has been made before a switch) and now there is yet another report, this time saying that Universal Studios is preparing to dump HD DVD for Blu-ray.
"Universal's ... [ read the full article ]
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Which movie studio will be forever known as "The Last to Go Blu"?
Will Universal go Blu Before Paramount or Vise-versa?
Which ever studio is left holding the smelly bag of crap known as HD-DVD, will be the laughing stock of the electronics industry FOREVER! A permanent, bad reputation that they will never be able to shake. Wikipedia, and every other web site in the Universe will display either Paramount or Universal as the very last to switch. Who will the lucky winner of the "enormous Bad Press prize" be? Who will forever be known as a "LOSER!"? :eek:
Think about it... let's say Paramount went blu today. From that moment on, all we would be hearing about is the lack of vision Universal Studios has. As the days pass, it would only get worse for the last HD-DVD supporter. I can't wait to see who the Unlucky one will be.
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Which studio will forever be known as "The Last To Switch"?
If Universal and Warner make the switch then the wart will be over and then it will be much easier for the consumer to make a choice or u could say there would only be one choice and the only thing u have to think about is the features u get with the new next generation DVD player you get.