I have an old anime fansub that I want to resize so the subtitles appear on a standard television using a Philips DVP642. Right now, the subtitles are cut off at the bottom.
I tried resizing the video from 640x480 to 704x400 using AutoGK, but that only made the subtitles disappear completely--and took over an hour to re-size a 24-minute video.
What program should I use to resize video?
What resolution should I use to make certain the subtitles will appear on the screen instead of underneath the lowest point on the television display?
Install the codec (it can be uninstalled from the Control Panel.
Install the filter in the 'Plugins Folder' of VirtualDub.
Run VirtualDub from its folder.
Load or drag the AVI file into VirtualDub.
Click 'Video' > 'Full Processing Mode'
Click 'Filters' > 'Add'
Select "Smart Resize" and 'OK'
In the "Main" section of the filter's window, enter "New Width" 640 and "New Height" 480.
Select desired "Filter Mode" from drop down menu ,"Precise BiCubic".
Check "Letterbox image" (which lights the next two windows)
Select your favorite "Fill Color" (black usually works best)
Enter "Frame width" as "720" and "Frame height" as "480"
Click "Show preview" to see results.
Click 'Video' > 'Compression' and select the XviD codec.
Click 'File' and save the new avi.
Thank you for the instructions, attar. I'm starting the conversion on a small section (2-3 minutes) of video now. I plan to burn the file to DVD-R/W and load it in my Philips DVP42 see if I can read the subtitles then.
On a side note, I do see the following error in the main frame of VirtualDub when I load the video:
The letterbox would be the original size of the frame and the new (main) width and height, a size that preserves the aspect ratio.
Since the image, 640/480 is 1.3333, I just picked numbers with the same ratio.