What is the best alternative to kazaa?
13. December 2003 @ 09:51 |
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What I mean by alternative is only one big server instead of smaller ones like e-mule and DC++ because with emule and DC++ I can only connect to servers with about 30,000 users on emule and 2000 users on DC compared to 4,000,000 on kazaa but kazaa is full fakes.
So what is the best alternative to kazaa but no including kazaa, DC++, mIRC or Bitorrent.
Thanks in advance.
Senior Member
13. December 2003 @ 11:28 |
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WinMX. Or Kazaa Lite.
Everyone is entitled to their own true opinion. Either respect that or don't.
13. December 2003 @ 19:16 |
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Quote: So what is the best alternative to kazaa but no including kazaa, DC++, mIRC or Bitorrent.
And restrict all your options?
1. FTP
2. eMule/overnet
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2 product reviews
14. December 2003 @ 19:18 |
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Kazaa is full fakes??? It's still the best. Try Diet kazaa - it's better than Kazaa lite.
14. December 2003 @ 22:26 |
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When was Kazaa ever not fake? (aside from the first week it was release of course)
15. December 2003 @ 09:32 |
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While it is great to say that kazaa has 4,000,000 users, how many of them share decent files or share at all? many of the alternatives aren't as simple as kazaa, but once you get past the learning curve they are much better. I still can't figure out why people continue to cling to kazaa.
15. December 2003 @ 13:07 |
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Quote: I still can't figure out why people continue to cling to kazaa.
Because it's point and click. And they dont have to do WORK. Its a byproduct of being LAZY :P
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15. December 2003 @ 13:37 |
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Pray disagree. The reason I still use Kazaa is because it's always got what I want. I've used a number of other applications which promise lots of files but don't deliver. You can be waiting weeks to get what you want. Kazaa delivers every time which is why it is still downloaded more than any other p2P application. The main reason people knock it is because they just want to be different. Sure it may not have the best interface around but it does deliver.
15. December 2003 @ 18:34 |
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i guess it depends really on wut you are looking for....i can tell you from experience i used to use kazaa, and the better the stuff you are looking for, the better your chances are of getting fakes, virii, or really, and i mean REALLy, bad quality....it would take 2,3, or sometimes more downloads to get the right thing....i'll tell you as a former kazaa user it is laziness....and if you are trying to knock people for wanting to be unique, how bout the people that use kazaa because it is the "cool" thing to do.....there are wanna-be's(kazaa users) and non-conformists(everyone else).....but we still love ya brotha....we're all geeks in our own way....i know i am
-One Love-Seek God-
"You are not educated as long as you have prejudices against anyone for any reason other than his or her character." - Martin Luther King Jr.
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15. December 2003 @ 19:45 |
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The only fakes I've had from Kazaa are some of the video downloads but I don't usually bother with those anyway. 95% of mp3's are fine and I have also gotten some very valuable imaging software which runs perfectly. Which alternative to Kazaa would you recommend?
16. December 2003 @ 09:35 |
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don't let me or anyone disuade you from using what you like...if kazaa works for you...by all means go for it....me personally?..i use like IRC so far....granted i've only used audiogalaxy, kazaa, and IRC, but the IRC seems to have more of the stuff i'm looking for....audiogalaxy was only music....kazaa had more stuff, but like i said "my" experience was lots of fakes, poor quality, and searches in vain.....as for the mp3's you are right, most of those do come out ok, but (and i hope dela or prae will edit this if i'm overstepping my boundaries) with kazaa you may get an mp3 here and there, but with IRC you can get an entire anthology...you said kazaa works for you, and if you have tried other options...more power to you bro....peace
-One Love-Seek God-
"You are not educated as long as you have prejudices against anyone for any reason other than his or her character." - Martin Luther King Jr.