does anyone know of any free sports downloading sites for boxing only,weather its a torrent site or org site whatever please i love boxing so much & boxing was founded in england by the onaralble they called mr longsdale,may he rest in peace, they choose to snub off boxing on sky sports,football is there claim to fame but me i cant stand it its on every channel & its everywhere you look,on the torrents sites i know they put boxing on there but thats 10% out of a 100% so that way you miss the best fights & i left sky to go over to setanta & yes they show you boxing but im fed up with there irratating behaviour & there attitude,very unhelpful,hardly know more then what you know,they never give the customer a call back,They never want to reply to your e-mails when you send them comments on how they can improve on some things with there company,& to bombard them with comments reminding them that i don't want my subscription money to be going to football when it should be going to what i want it to go to ,to the financial aid of boxing so that boxing can get a place as one of the best sports in the world or the best in the world bar none,so if there is a site that might have sports only & it has a large number of up to date fights on there & if the fights go onto the site if not a couple of hours after the fight well at least then within the next 24 hours,any links please,i need help to get away from these company's that just use peoples money to satisfy them selves & there share holders but not the fan for boxing anyway,being that our money go to improve football when they have more then enough money,boxing has always been put aside because of football selfish atttitudes