I have used dvd shrink for over a year now. In the last few weeks I have tried burning a few movies and the movies burned out of order. I have since re-installed dvd shrink but I'm having the same problem. The movies will play correctly in my computer, but not on my stand alone dvd player.
The only change I have made in the past year is that I've upgraded to Nero 8 about a month ago. Could this be the problem? Has any one else had this type of problem?
I would say get rid of Nero 8 and go to 7 (if possible). I have heard of a lot of problems with Nero 8 and personally won't use it.
Also, what movies are you trying to back up? It could have something to do with the way that you are trying to rip the disc onto your computer. Shrink is one of those programs that work hand in hand with sister software (AnyDVD/Ripit4Me/DvdDerypter). If you are trying to rip the disc with just shrink, it wouldn't surprise me if you are getting errors, or nowhere at all if they are newer titles.
One other thing to check is your burn speed. Try burning at 4x or 2x. You should have no problems (depending on how you are getting the files onto your computer and what you are doing to help clean those up).
The burn speed advice is sound, usually not more than 1/2 the rated speed of the disc. X2 is a little dramatic I think, and in some cases probably doesn't help at all.
I doubt though that the burn speed has anything to do with the playback sequence. Unless Nero 8 is a real retard while burning DVD-Video, that's why i suggested to try ImgBurn.If burn too fast would freeze, pixelate, skip.
The problem lies somewhere in the structure, the decryption.
Here is a message from AnyDVD, and I think that can happen with any decrypting software;that's why Fixvts/VobBlanker are good tools, and a good decrypter like AnyDVD/DVDFab are required,to eliminate dummies that screw up the playback. DVD Shrink is helpless alone.
I would like to follow this thread I too am having the same problem. I am using any DVD and DVD shrink. Is it because i am saving the DVD data to my computer them trying to burn it?