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Qtrax client finally available for download - but don't expect any music
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Qtrax client finally available for download - but don't expect any music

article published on 28 January, 2008

Several hours after their announced launch, and even a few hours after an Afterdawn member posted a link to the much anticipated client software, Qtrax now officially has a download link on their website. But before you rush to out to download it and start looking for free music you should know that there isn't any yet. In fact right now, the Qtrax client basically amounts to a music player with ads. ... [ read the full article ]

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AfterDawn Addict

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29. January 2008 @ 02:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow, the author of the article clearly doesn't think very much of Qtrax..!
29. January 2008 @ 03:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Mik3h:
Wow, the author of the article clearly doesn't think very much of Qtrax..!
Well, do you?
This "proprietary-client-downloading" thing is not my cup of tea anyway.
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29. January 2008 @ 10:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It was another RIAA trap to get the IP addresses for potential illegal downloaders so they can issue more lawsuits. :-P

Looks like once QTrax gets their contracts they are going to have a lot of pessimistic consumers. Poor business on their end.
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29. January 2008 @ 11:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by maryjayne:
It was another RIAA trap to get the IP addresses for potential illegal downloaders so they can issue more lawsuits. :-P

Looks like once QTrax gets their contracts they are going to have a lot of pessimistic consumers. Poor business on their end.
Oh GOD..............not another frakkin' conspiracy theorist!!! I suppose you think the government arranged the whole 9/11 tragedy too. Planted bombs strategically in the twin towers, worked with Al Qaeda and hired Bin Laden Hmmmmmmmm??

Hopefully that's not you.......because IF it is then you are banned from procreation.

Anyway, RIAA trap??? HEY! Listen Up!! This is an attempt at a legal solution. Your statement is equivalent to setting a bear trap inside a concrete box. JUST DOESN'T WORK!! Use your head kimo sabe.
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29. January 2008 @ 12:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is the revenue stream completely ad-based? If not, I have a hard time believing that the music labels would be thrilled and impressed by the traffic to this site, since it just represents people who want their music for free.
29. January 2008 @ 12:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In response 2 banned4Lf. I don't think that a conspiracy theory involving the record company putting out a program so they can track users sounds that far feached as "Oh GOD..............not another frakkin' conspiracy theorist!!! I suppose you think the government arranged the whole 9/11 tragedy too. Planted bombs strategically in the twin towers, worked with Al Qaeda and hired Bin Laden Hmmmmmmmm??"- banned4Lf does. Even though that is possible as well.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. January 2008 @ 12:12

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29. January 2008 @ 13:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by area_51:
In response 2 banned4Lf. I don't think that a conspiracy theory involving the record company putting out a program so they can track users sounds that far feached as "Oh GOD..............not another frakkin' conspiracy theorist!!! I suppose you think the government arranged the whole 9/11 tragedy too. Planted bombs strategically in the twin towers, worked with Al Qaeda and hired Bin Laden Hmmmmmmmm??"- banned4Lf does. Even though that is possible as well.
I'm the first to think conspiracy BUT I POSSESS that little part of the brain that says "hey........this is sensible, can happen and is likely to". There is no sense tracking users that are looking to legitimately acquire music YOU NINNY. That's just a lawsuit against an innocent downloader waiting to happen. If they were smart they'd put out their OWN BITTORRENT CLIENT. Get a clue!
29. January 2008 @ 17:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
banned4Lf, straight out, your a retard.

There was no reason for you to get so snotty. You may ?POSSESS? a little part of some kind of sensibility. But it?s your opinion not a fact, that you think this is this is ?sensible, and can happen?. Maybe what you really need to possess is a little ability to read and research the facts a little before shooting off your ignorant gob.
The facts are all over Afterdawn in favor that this very well may be their own bittorrent client. But with the delays and record companies saying out right they have not signed anything. This may have just been a bad marketing ploy gone very bad. But to call someone a 9/11 conspiracy theorist because something smells fishy is poor taste when you consider the hard facts.

So let?s go over a few of those facts, um-kay:
> The RIAA has spent billions of dollars and many years to peruse and prosecute hundreds of people.

> They?ve even been caught outright as using hackers to do devious things. One such hacker came forward and spilled his guts that the RIAA/MPAA promised $$$ in exchange for info about people.

> They even have very recently tried (unsuccessfully) to sue students on a university based on static IP addresses. They are still trying to fight that right now.

> An internal memo was leaked that they wanted to lobby to have ripping CD?s a crime. But when public outcry came they immediately backpedaled and said it was not what they meant. But it was exactly what they meant, only someone messed up their plan by leaking it to the public before they had a chance to get it pushed though at any level.

The facts are it?s not a conspiracy theory to think this could be the RIAA?s slick attempt to install a spyware tracking cookie, or backdoor/Trojan torrent tracker that could send back data if your also frequenting illegal torrent sites. Or even a registry hack built into the program it?s self that causes your torrent clients to run buggy.
To belittle someone and be as absurd as to compare this very real scenario to something as outrageous as a 9/11 conspiracy is out of line. All this could be a well veiled attempt for the RIAA to have you install what looks like an innocent and well meaning program to d?load free music, but really have underlying agenda unknown to you that?s gathering data.
It?s not that far-fetched. To think after all they?ve gone through, and all they are still fighting over all this time and just poof! Out of nowhere one day they say ?Our bad, forget everything, it?s all-free for you now? is just utterly ignorant.
If you could really be this naïve to what the RIAA has the potential to do recoup lost money then I hope YOU are banned from procreation.
29. January 2008 @ 19:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anybody else see what I see?
They have Songbird in their code!
29. January 2008 @ 19:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Mik3h:
Wow, the author of the article clearly doesn't think very much of Qtrax..!
Well, frankly, there's not much to it yet.
They don't have agreements finalized and their client is just Songbird restamped and buggy.

Plus, this business model is a proven failure.
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29. January 2008 @ 19:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That's interesting.. do you happen to know which version it is?

I have no interest in obtaining music legally.. I just have a few thoughts on how songbird organises playlists.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. January 2008 @ 19:59

29. January 2008 @ 21:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by varnull:
That's interesting.. do you happen to know which version it is?

I have no interest in obtaining music legally.. I just have a few thoughts on how songbird organises playlists.
Hard to tell, since Songbird itself is still an RC, but it looks like version (.2 dev). Same as the latest available.
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29. January 2008 @ 21:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So being the latest that means it's 3.2 something.. with the "burn" feature removed?

I think this program should be very well scanned on a clean machine to find out what it is doing.. I just have a feeling, as it scans your hardware to find media to put in the library, that it could be easily modified to call back what music you have on your hardware.. and any watermarks that are hidden therein.

I think I may download it just to do a little reverse engineering and see exactly what it does, and how and where it will get updates.

from the eula.. terms and conditions..

LTDnetwork Inc is not responsible for any content such as audio, video, text or any other file owned by users of the Qtrax software. Qtrax software, its privacy and security features are exposed to various security issues, and should be regarded as unsecured. Therefore by using the Qtrax software you may be subject to various risks, including the exposure of information and material you have downloaded or have offered to share.
Prohibition on Use

You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed software, or any subset of Qtrax, except as provided for in this license agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.

Automatic updates and downloads

You agree that in order for Qtrax to work properly, Qtrax will from time to time automatically download updates to your computer in order to update the Qtrax software. You hereby irrevocably consent to allow such automatic updates to take place.
They demand that I allow them to modify software on my hardware.. I therefore demand the right to know exactly what it does XD

Have you seen azureus vuze ???

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. January 2008 @ 22:09

29. January 2008 @ 22:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by varnull:
I think I may download it just to do a little reverse engineering and see exactly what it does, and how and where it will get updates.

from the eula.. terms and conditions..

LTDnetwork Inc is not responsible for any content such as audio, video, text or any other file owned by users of the Qtrax software. Qtrax software, its privacy and security features are exposed to various security issues, and should be regarded as unsecured. Therefore by using the Qtrax software you may be subject to various risks, including the exposure of information and material you have downloaded or have offered to share.

Be advised that reverse engineering's specifically prohibited in the legal disclaimer. However, since it's based on open source, where do they get off saying that?

This is kind of embarassing...when you do a fresh install on a machine that has Songbird .2 installed, you get a message that says, "?Your existing media library and user profile will not be migrated to Qtrax 0.2 beta. You can continue to use your existing media library and user profile with your existing version of Qtrax.
In addition to installing Qtrax 0.2beta, would you like to keep your existing version of Qtrax??

Keep in mind that this is on a machine that has never had Qtrax.
But it does have Songbird. :-)
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29. January 2008 @ 22:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by maryjayne:
It was another RIAA trap to get the IP addresses for potential illegal downloaders so they can issue more lawsuits. :-P

Looks like once QTrax gets their contracts they are going to have a lot of pessimistic consumers. Poor business on their end.
Oh GOD..............not another frakkin' conspiracy theorist!!! I suppose you think the government arranged the whole 9/11 tragedy too. Planted bombs strategically in the twin towers, worked with Al Qaeda and hired Bin Laden Hmmmmmmmm??

Hopefully that's not you.......because IF it is then you are banned from procreation.

Anyway, RIAA trap??? HEY! Listen Up!! This is an attempt at a legal solution. Your statement is equivalent to setting a bear trap inside a concrete box. JUST DOESN'T WORK!! Use your head kimo sabe.
Face the facts, Everybody sucks, those with money and power are the worst. People will always try to screw someone else for more money and power, we are all being screwed and are trying to screw someone else too. And yes the U.S. did cause 9/11. GO USA!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. January 2008 @ 22:22

29. January 2008 @ 22:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, I'm done playing.
No wonder they aren't offering content.
Their Oracle 10g application has major security issues.
All I did, ALL I DID, was run the software and I'm now looking at their Oracle application server login screen.
Very bad.
Uninstalling, because I don't want to get blamed if they get hacked.
By the way, it's actually Songbird version .4, which is interesting since when I run the Songbird .2 upgrade utility, it doesn't offer me any. Could be some odd interaction with v .2, I suppose.
Did Songbird get bought out and stop non-commercial development or something?
29. January 2008 @ 22:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've notified their tech people. If I hear anything back, I'll post.
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29. January 2008 @ 22:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hahahahahahahaha.. excelent
/me goes to find a spare pc and an xp disk.. :lol:
29. January 2008 @ 22:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by varnull:

Have you seen azureus vuze ???
Lot of potential there, but they don't have the income engine this one will have.
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29. January 2008 @ 23:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I wouldn't be so sure about that.. They have raised a vast amount of money in the last 6 months.. and with this it's looking bright.
29. January 2008 @ 23:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by varnull:
I wouldn't be so sure about that.. They have raised a vast amount of money in the last 6 months.. and with this it's looking bright.

INteresting. Depending on how non-invasive the software is, and on whether the MPAA/RIAA creeps allow it in the US, this could be major.
29. January 2008 @ 23:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dipstick:
Originally posted by poltroon:

And yes the U.S. did cause 9/11.
Notice how everybody just calmly ignored these trolls?

The mature reaction. Commendable.
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29. January 2008 @ 23:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well azureus is a java client.. with things like safepeer and stuff built in, you can use it with remote proxy unlike a lot of p2p applications, including the tor network, so I would assume it's pretty secure.. Hell if it's only 200 or so commercial tv channels who cares.. it's content in an increasingly content free world.

:lol@trolls.. we don't need the conspiracy theorists.. we know there is a conspiracy, all we don't know is how deep it goes .. LMFAO!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. January 2008 @ 23:24

4. February 2008 @ 16:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by varnull:
:lol@trolls.. we don't need the conspiracy theorists.. we know there is a conspiracy, all we don't know is how deep it goes .. LMFAO!
I just only had to laugh that the trolls name was Banned4life and it looks like he's earned that name.
AfterDawn Addict

6 product reviews
20. February 2008 @ 00:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In fact right now, the Qtrax client basically amounts to a music player with ads.
LOL!! have the software but do not bother searching we have not signed deals with the record labels yet :P LOL!!! why cant we just load our own mp3's and use it as we did with our old p2p applications. > forums > announcements > news comments > qtrax client finally available for download - but don't expect any music

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