Just bought a Sylvania true HDTV 42" TV. I watch ONLY DVDs (burned ones, non-compressed), as I don't have TV service. And, most of mine are BBC TV ones, and I am wondering if the quality of viewing will be noticeably better with an Upconverting DVD player--I assume it will be, and I am soon due for a new one anyway, and I see the price range of UC DVD PLayers is basically the same as regular ones. The question: How do I choose one? I am not averse to spending between $100-200 (rather than just a $60 cheapo), as the TV was $1000. So what do I look for in an UC DVD player? I know I can take home and test for 30 days, and I am very much into that. What are the most important specs to look for? And as it is now, sitting 8 feet away, there is no problem with viewing (and contemporary films and television look super already), but will it improve older TV that up close appears somewhat pixallated with "screen-door" effects? How do they work (not super technically)--are their settings you change from to see different levels once a DVD is playing? And will running the new UC DVD PLayer through a Sony DVD-Player/Surround system as Video 2 somehow affect the UC quality? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.