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security issues with ftp
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22. December 2003 @ 09:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've just started using ftp for file transfering. I was wondering just how safe ftp is. Is it easier for someone to access sensitive files on my computer? Also, (this may be a stupid question) does the RIAA go through ftp servers? Thanks in advance.
24. December 2003 @ 06:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No the RIAA cant go after private individual ftps if they dont have the addresses and login info.. Now public ftps that can be accessed be anyone is another story. public ftps are just that public ; those usually found on ~shudders at mere mention of that site ~ or on warez sites. RIAA can access those gather evidence ie download songs or whatever report that IP to ISP/FBI have ftp shutdown, owner gets busted.

To try to answser your question about the safety of using ftp for file transfers; running an ftp server from your puter can be dangerous if you didnt set the server up correctly.. malicious users can delete files they arent supposed to , get access to files they arent supposed to have access to etc. Worst case being, your ftp is scanned, then hacked thus removing your control over the server.
For using ftp to transfer files, Id suggest either making sure your using a proxy or a few proxies lol. None the less, your ISP WILL have record of your activities.. proxy will cover your tracks to a degree but not completely.. be forewarned..
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26. December 2003 @ 11:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
SadJoker makes some good points. I have to add that your ISP cant check packets, but they can scan your IP to check for any open ports. They will also monitor your bandwidth and notice that your download and particularly, your upload bandwidth has taken a jump so dont go crazy there. If your running that FTP on port 21 then chances are they will also see that port open and try to hit it and see the ftp server banner which will alert them to your server and you will probably get a letter to cease and desist. Dont post in public boards of any kind your IP or ftp info because that can be found. Instead use PM or email and keep it to just a few users at a time, too many connections will alert the ISP. Make sure the people you contact are clear not to give out account info. Make sure you know how to configure your security on your pc and use a hardware firewall/router for added security.

To Defy The Laws Of Tradition.
27. December 2003 @ 11:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There are also secure ftp server applications out there that encrypt ftp traffic , encrypts incoming as well as outgoing traffic but not all ftp clients support that feature. I cant remember the name of the one secure encrypted ftp server I had been using.. Search Google for the term encrpyted ftp or secure ftp. In any case, you'll still not be completely invisible to your ISP, as KingD mentioned, your dl and ul traffic increases you will raise questions from your ISP. Some like RCN (my cableprovider) may take note and not say anything right away but they will flag your IP as potentional violation of your TOS with them.Running a personal ftp to move files between home and office/work might be acceptable then again your provider may turn around stating NO servers period are allowed on their network. check your TOS the providers site call techsupport/billing depertmant to verify. Be vague in your questions, ask if you are allowed to run a personal ftp at home to move files between computers. giving too many detials will raise some eyebrows. > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - p2p software > security issues with ftp

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