What would you say is the minimum acceptable % for compression? Im wanting to back up my entire collection, and most can seem to be at about 70-80%, however Mystic River is clocking in at 55-60%.
I am re-authoring, only putting in the main movie file, plus removing all items except english audio and english subs... will the movie look like crap?
Also, i noticed that after you click burn, you can turn on advanced analysis, so it runs through a second time and takes longer. I always use this option, however i decline the chance to use either the smooth, ultra smooth, sharp or ultra sharp feature, because to me that means sacrificing one or the other, which i dont want. Im assuming that choosing smooth means a little sharpness will be lost and vice versa... so does not using either of the 4 options (not checking box) average it out between sharp and smooth (what i want)
In my personal experiences using the smooth/sharp features & the advanced analysis I found that it does not make any difference in the final copy of the DVD as far as quality is concerned. Unless you have eagle eye vision, you won't notice any difference in the quality of the disc. As far as the amount of compression needed to fit onto a disc & the quality of that, I have never noticed any difference. I always burn a full disc copy & have never had a problem with quality. Remember, the copy that you make will only be as good as the original copy. I'm not an expert in this field, but I have been doing it for quite some time so I have a good knowledge of how it works. I hope that this will help you out.