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trouble with dvdshrink - Ant Bully, Good Luck Chuck, Benchwarmers and Saw IV
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10. February 2008 @ 11:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've had a lot of trouble backing up movies recently using anydvd + dvdshrink + nero 7. It's always worked well in the past, but this week I've tried copying The Ant Bully, Good Luck Chuck, Benchwarmers, and Saw IV. (I was able to copy Mr. Woodcock successfully during this time.) Good Luck Chuck and Saw IV were both too large, I could finally copy Saw IV when I reauthored and only copied the main movie. I couldn't do anything with Good Luck Chuck. Both Ant Bully and Benchwarmers went through encoding fine, but encountered errors during burning so they could not complete. I've gone through a stack of blank dvds and this is getting frustrating. I checked some other forums where people were having problems with these same dvds, and most came to the conclusion that the dvd was bad, and many users had gotten a different copy and had it work fine. I'm just having trouble believing that I got 4/5 bad dvds. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
Senior Member
10. February 2008 @ 11:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here's one suggestion:
Make sure AnyDVD is upto date!

1) Rip to the hard drive using the ripper that comes with anydvd.
2) This step is optional....further process the video files thru FixVTS or vobblanker.
3) Open the video files using shrink for processing/transcoding.
4) I recommend having shrink save the processed file/s to the hard drive so that you can manually burn to DVD. Use Nero to burn the video files to DVD at 1/2 the rated speed of the media.

Note: If you have shrink create an ISO image file or just wish to burn the video files to DVD using a different app, try using imgburn.




Use Anydvd and believe
DVDFab HD Decrypter (free)...

Dont Worry Be Happy:)
10. February 2008 @ 11:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
John pipped me to it :)

i was just going to add this -

Ant Bully - no problems with this movie

Good Luck Chuck -

Benchwarmers -

Saw IV -

Mr. Woodcock -

..though as per John there's zero problems with any of these movies or newer movies as long as you keep Anydvd bang up to date; sometimes a newer film will crop up that can't be ripped, but a bit of patience and searching and there's always an update released shortly after.

The same is true of my favourite ripping program DVDFab HD Decrypter

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. February 2008 @ 11:34

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