Ok, I hope I don't make any mistake here. I am a newbie in this Audio & Video thingy. Ok, as per title, I am trying to convert VCD to AVI using SUPER converter. At this moment, the process is in progress and the size of the output file is over then 350MB now (input file is 736MB). Is there any better freeware to convert from VCD to AVI instead of SUPER? How do I compress the size of the file, for example to 350MB? If the original input file has subtitle in it, how do convert the file (from VCD to AVI) together with the subtitle?
cyprusrom, thanks for the reply and useful information to such a newbie like me. i will try tool you have suggested to me A.S.A.P.
right now, i tried to convert movie from DVD9 into AVI. so, the size would be around 700MB. i used DVD Decrypter and AutoGK. how do i include english subtitle together with the new AVI file or i should say embed the subtitle in the AVI file? i have tried 3 times but there is no luck until now.