Here is my problem:
A friend of mine had me video tape her wedding; right before the wedding began, someone knocked my camcorder out of my hand and it fell to the ground. I rewinded what I had taped and it looked fine. When I got home, I played the tape again and it was completly black. I talked to Canon Customer Svc (I own a Cannon ZR200) and they told me to send it in for repair...I did, it came back and now there are grey horizontal lines running through the tape (only this tape). What is really strange is that when I play a tape before this one, I can see a still image in the grey lines of the wedding video. The sound works fine, I can hear the wedding I just cannot see it....Please help me...if possible...I feel so horrible!
Originally posted by alkat53: Thank you for responding. I have ran the tape on another camcorder, and yes, it is the tape...what to do now, if anything????