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**How to Burn/Convert/Uncompress/Mount MDS+MDF files**
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23. February 2008 @ 22:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This guide will show you how:
To burn your MDS+MDF files to a cd/dvd

To convert the MDS+MDF files into a iso

To mount the MDS+MDF files onto a drive.

TO Un-compress the MDS+MDS files (when in iso format)

First of you will need these Programs

Alcohol 120- To burn or mount the MDS and MDF file

Doiso- To turn the MDS+MDF file into an iso

Winrar- To uncompress the iso (you need doiso to make the iso first!)

this is the download link to download this guide
it's in RICH TEXT FORMAT so that anyone can view
1. First make sure both the MDS and MDF files are in the same folder, it doesn?t matter if there are other files in there with them just that there in the same folder together

2. Launch Alcohol 120% (which you have installed by now )

3. Select the option ?image Burning Wizard?

4. Wait a few moments for a new window to open (the burning wizard)

5. Select the option "browse"

6. Load the folder that contains your MDS and MDF file, select the MDS file and hit ?OPEN?
when you go to the folder containing your MDS and MDF file you?ll notice that only your MDS file appears (or any other image files there as well) this is because the image burning wizard is only look for image files, the MDS is the image file, it will load the MDS file which will then give the burner directions on how to burn the MDF file (just follow my direction were almost there)
NOTE: if you see all the files originally in the folder don?t worry, just select and open your MDS file

Once you?ve loaded the MDS file the wizards screen will change to something like this (will be different due all the differences)

(IF the burn fails, we want to be able to burn again, and we can?t do that without the MDS file)

8. Hit the next button

9. The wizard will load into this page
NOTE: IF the size of your MDF file is below or at 700mb then your burning to a CD-R, if its above 700mb then your burning it to a DVD-R or DVD+R your choice(and if per chance its above 4.7 gigs then burn to a DL-DVD if your drive supports it)

ENTER the preferences you feel are right, if your confused just leave it be,
Hit the start button and the file will be burned to your media!


What does mounting mean?
Basically the application alcohol 120% will trick the computer into thinking that there is a disc in the drive (it creates a virtual drive) you can then run the game or program (install it normal) as you would if there was a disc in the drive!
1. Open up Alcohol 120%

2. Go file> open

3. Go to the folder with the MDS and MDF files and OPEN the MDS file

4. Select the option open and Alcohol 120% will look like this when done

5. Right click on the MDS file in Alcohol 120% and select ?Mount on Device?, you may get more than one drive you can mount it to, in that case choose anyone it pulls up either should work

6.If the application or game you were trying to mount launches then your successful!
If it doesn?t that?s ok too

You then double click on the drive that that has the game mounted on it, or right click> open to launch the game/app
If you then want unmount (eject) the program/game(MDS and MDF files), go into my computer and right click on the drive (icon) that your program/game in mounted on and select the eject option

You can also UN-MOUNT the MDS by launching Alcohol 120%, going to the bottom of the window, right click on the virtual drive that has the MDS mounted on it and select the option ?UN-MOUNT?



We will be using Doiso
Make sure the MDS and MDF files are in the same folder

1. Install then launch Doiso then make sure both the MDS and MDF files are in the same folder

Hit this button to launch a browsing window,

take that window to the folder containing your MDS+MDF files , doiso will load that FOLDER so make sure both the MDS and MDF are in it

2. When the folder contains the MDF+MDS is loaded Hit the start button

You will then be prompted to select a location to save the iso you are about to create, I?d save it to the desktop or mydocuments that way it is easy to find

3. After a few moments a new window will launch and start loading

4. Allow a few moments so that iso can be generated
When the operation is completed you can close out of the window

NOTE: you need to convert the MDF+MDS files into a iso before you can go any further (the guide above shows you how to convert it)

This is pretty simple get winrar and install the program (you probably already have it), go to the location you chose in doiso for the iso to be created in (so go to the iso, right click on the iso >and select ?extract here?

this guide was created for afterdawn on 2/23/08
send me a PM if you want to post this guide somewhere else (i'll give you the image links+text)

questions, comments, issues?
please post back!!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. February 2008 @ 22:34

Suspended permanently
25. February 2008 @ 08:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Errr.. alcohol120%..

will burn mdf/mds pairs

convert to iso by "mount mdf/mds image" on virtual drive (contained within alcohol120%) and use copy wizard with source as virtual drive.. "save as" type .iso

uncompress .iso.. by mounting image and copying files to any directory.

Why all the extra steps??

Wouldn't it be more useful to tell people about apps like "nrg2iso" or "bin2iso"??

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. February 2008 @ 08:41

Suspended due to non-functional email address
25. February 2008 @ 16:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
convert to iso by "mount mdf/mds image" on virtual drive (contained within alcohol120%) and use copy wizard with source as virtual drive.. "save as" type .iso
use copy wizard with source as virtual drive.. "save as" type .iso- alot of times people have issues using the copy wizard, they'll mount an image, go to copy, and the copy wizard wont let them copy the virtual drive, when it comes to creating an iso from a cd/dvd
no app is greater then ALCOHOL 120%, but its faster and less painless to do it with doiso if your just trying to convert files on your HDD
(theres a smaller margin for error)

also if a viewer of this guide just wanted to convert his MDS+MDF files... rather then installing alcohol 120% (which requires a reboot)
he could use Doiso a free app that does NOT require a reboot

uncompress .iso.. by mounting image and copying files to any directory.

i guess i could have written it that way, if they just want to uncompress the MDS+MDF files i don't see any reason to make them use
alcohol 120% for that

just my reasons varnull



6 product reviews
17. March 2008 @ 11:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i use Magic ISO. It will work with many different file types. It is easy to understand and has a freeware Vitural drvie software too (MagicDisc).
I have tried Alcohol 120% and was not happy. To each his own. Just sharing some input.
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17. March 2008 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

22. March 2008 @ 16:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i'm confused....i tried following your directions for Alcohol 120 for a game similar to the one in your example...and then i installed it and everything, but when i tried to use the disk it said i had to put in the original disk instead of the "backup" i have to follow all of the steps including converting the files to iso and mounting it, etc...i was hoping i would be able to make a working copy just using alcohol...
Suspended due to non-functional email address
22. March 2008 @ 18:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i'm confused....i tried following your directions for Alcohol 120 for a game similar to the one in your example...and then i installed it and everything, but when i tried to use the disk it said i had to put in the original disk instead of the "backup" i have to follow all of the steps including converting the files to iso and mounting it, etc...i was hoping i would be able to make a working copy just using alcohol...
[ + quote]

some video games have protect against using copys, either that or a cd key, just follow the directions you need!

25. April 2009 @ 16:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Forget all that use ultra iso and use the convert to iso button and you got your iso then you patch then burn then it will load and play on non modded with a program called esr on the memory card.

It is too live life too the fullest then never lived at all.
12. June 2009 @ 22:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have tried EVERY method and nothing has worked. WHen i try to just mount the mds file (which reads 0kb in the browser, even though it's 23 in the normal folder) it says access denied. The mdf file is over 2 gigs and a guy from where i downloaded it said that i should convert the mdf to mds, but i don't know how. Also, when i try to turn it into an ISO file, it stops about 0.01% of the way through and says Implementation botch, fs should end at 4294284413 but ends at 189. What the hell do i do? > forums > general discussion > user submitted guides > **how to burn/convert/uncompress/mount mds+mdf files**

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