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Help Binatone x350 problem
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27. February 2008 @ 18:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Please don't laugh yes i purchased a Binatone Carrera X350 UK & ROI 2nd edition sat nav and thought it was ideal for me as it was cheap and cheerful and has been a very good bit of kit. The problem i have is that i had been messing with the settings and pressed something but don't know what? anyway when i switch the sat nav on i get the screen with navigation on left side and menu on right when i click navigation i am brought to another screen which says United Kingdom Ireland and then locked at the end and on the top line Premium when i click the united kingdom line i get taken to a white screen which says to enable this service please go to You will be asked to enter the following device identification number. Anyway the site is an absolute sham there is no place to enter this number or any link which leads you somewhere where you can get help.
What ever it was i touched gave no warnings so this is a fault that someone else could quite easily come across. I did all the usual things like reset button turned off for ten seconds only to find the problem still there. So i have a system which is totally useless and cannot be used. Does anyone know how to get this unit back on track?
I have tried all the other binatone sites but they do not know anything about this system and only point me towards the .com site which is absolute crap. Any help please.
27. March 2008 @ 08:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It is a great unit as I have one too. It is likely you accidentally delete the unlock code for the maps. I would try to do a hard reset on the back of the unit using a ballpen to see if it works.
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27. March 2008 @ 08:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I do agree that this is a great unit and have been contacted so far by one other person who has encountered the same problem as myself.
Unfortunately even if you do a hard reset as described this does not change anything and does not remedy the problem.
The unit had to be returned to the makers as it was still under warranty.I must say that the response was very good although if you should encounter the same problem or anyone else for that matter do not go to the carrera Binatone website as you will get no help there at all.
Any help with this unit you could contact me here at As i have the correct contact details.They paid for the sending and delivery of the unit and i had it back within 48 hours and all is working well. My fault was described as a Premium Lock from navigation.
29. March 2008 @ 07:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a problem with the X350 Sat Nav. I got it as a present from a company called Diamond Resorts in Kent about 6 weeks ago. The unit was new, unopened in its original packing. I set it up about 4 weeks ago and used it once and all seemed fine. However, last week when I tried to use it again there was no sound at all. Have tried hard reset etc. but the sound guidance is not there. Everthing else appears to work as it should.

Have spoken to Binatone Helpline who think there is a fault but not sure if it hardware or software? They want £40 just to look at it as I don't have a receipt. As this Sat Nav appears to sell for around £40, is unreliable and is from a cheap & unhelpful supplier, I do not wish to pay this greedy manufacturer to fix an almost new unit. Any advice would be welcom before I bin the unit?
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29. March 2008 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you still have all the original packaging the receipt should make no difference why not contact this number not sure if it was the same number that you had? 01325 316868 they might be able to help you.
However i purchased mine from Asda and did not have the receipt so rather than you not getting any joy from the supplier just tell these people you purchased from Asda but don't have the original receipt they should be able to help you out.
Best Of Luck i am sure they can sort this for you.
31. March 2008 @ 02:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi vs1101, I had exactly the same problem before while I was playing with it and finally worked around fixing it. I am making assumption you did something similar to what I did but judge for yourself as you know what you were doing.

What happened was I copied the maps to the external card ( which also comes with other corresponding sub folder in the CITIES directory ) but I did not fully copy the folder that contains the sound files. When you turn it on, it will look for it first in the SD card and if it finds a map there, i will ignore the rest on the ResidentFlash which results in no sound files at all. For my problem, I fixed it in 2 ways:

1. Remove the SD card and all is back to normal


2. Copy the rest of the folder that include the maps & sound sub folder to the external SD card and all is good.

For your problem, try the first method first and turn it off and after 30 seconds turn it back on again and post back here. I am more than happy to see how you go and assist if necessary.

Good Luck!
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31. March 2008 @ 03:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Obviously as with more or less every electronic device there are going to be some people including myself in this who are going to encounter a fault of some kind or another. Obviously i do not know the amount of these Binatone GPS Sat navs that have been sold and how many satisfied customers there are out there? I have read on some sites people slagging off this GPS but for what this device is being sold for it does everything it says on the tin. I will say that my knowledge of this device is better now than it ever was. Most people ignore the instruction manual but it is very important that this is read and understood and this goes for any device whether electronic or otherwise.
The only comments i can really make about this unit really are none except that despite my problem which is now fixed i have no comments against this device it does what it is there to do and does that job very well indeed. However my gripes are more with Binatone's home page there are not enough instructions on how to properly use the downloads and also what if the PC does not recognise your device what then? I would have thought a problem page could have been written and advice or tips how to get around it or even a forum of other users.
There are issues with the Carrera site which need to be addressed. The back up for any faults is dead handy and i would rate as firts class in my experience however that is once you have exhausted a whole day looking for the correct numbers.Most people who are having problems with camera detection and so fourth i would ask that you consult your manual or if no joy come back here and post your problem i will do my best to help you and i am sure there might be others on this thread who might also be able to help.
31. March 2008 @ 04:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi 237,

If you can attach the listing of filer of the internal flash rom, I might be able to help.
31. March 2008 @ 04:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi 237 - Thanks for your response. The Helpline number I had tried was different but had the same area code (01325 304473). I will try the one you have given later today to see if they are more helpful.

Also, thanks to Hoait88 for his helpful message. I do not have, or have used, any SD Card with my X350. The unit did not come with any card and the slot is empty on my unit. I have only tried to use the pre-loaded maps that came with the new unit. I have, however, tried to plug an external earphone in the Headphone jack socket on the right side of the unit and the sound does come through. I am, therefore, assuming that the problem with my X350 is more likely to be hardware rather then software. Perhaps the built in speaker has been disconnected due to loose wire or something?
31. March 2008 @ 04:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good that you have it resolved and perhaps you should tell all so we all know in case someone has the same problem.
31. March 2008 @ 04:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry to hear that but one more thing to try.

Go to setting and select another voice or even another languages in case your chosen language file has been corrupted.
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31. March 2008 @ 07:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes no problems the reason i locked this unit was not entirely my fault as i should have been able to reboot the device but something went down with the software I had gone to premium and clicked UK and Ireland maps a serial number came up on a white background and i could not get the device back by performing a reset.
I had another problem that when the device came back i had lost the 180 day camera detection. However on going back into premium i clicked the camera section which said locked i clicked this and had a white screen with my serial number on it i then clicked anywhere on this screen which restarted my 180 day camera subscription so i have camera detection back.
The unit locked itself out through some software problem and that was the reason it had to go back to Binatone to be reloaded.
17. April 2008 @ 09:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That was very well said. ive always felt that way but never knew how to say it. I think u did that perfectly. :D
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27. April 2008 @ 11:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am having problems with my new x350 Binatone.
The speed cams have been activated on the trial period, but when I pass a camera nothing happens , that is no sound warning. further on a local journey it directs me to minor roads and not main roads,although i have it set for the fastest route, these minor roads are taking much longer than the main roads. Are these faults with the device or the operator?
20. August 2008 @ 05:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My X350 refuses to connect to my PC; I have tried different USB cable, port and even PC but still connects then disconnects continually. Can anyone help with this?

Does anyone know how to change the voices, Binatone say you can't but you must be able to.

Strange quirk on mine the other day took me on a 20 mile figure of eight circute rather than have me turn around, just to keep me going in the right direction for the next via point. Yes the center of the eight was within a few hundred yards of the point it was aiming for.
19. January 2009 @ 17:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My Binatone X350 Sat Nav has worked fine up to now - however it now refuses to enter the navigation section although the other menus work fine and the unit shows that it is acquiring several satallites - any ideas or has anuone had a similar problem.
9. April 2009 @ 03:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just a note, if your PC connects then disconnects continually install activesync45 MS ActiveSync will allow you to backup winCE OS etc to your PC

6. May 2009 @ 06:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I´ve tried to put tomtom on the x350, but directly in the ResidentFlash dir. It´s completely gone now, made a backup first before starting, but a bad one. Does anybody know where to get the files back, that belong in this dir ?
26. May 2009 @ 04:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
does anyone have a faulty carrera x350 2nd edition satnav as mine has just broken,binatone want £20 to replace screen even though its only 6 mnts old but purchased from staples with other supplies and have lost recipt.purchased for £25 christmas sale,if anyone can help me please contact or phone 07932971539 will pay postage.
please help as i need this unit for work and find it hard to purchase new one.
2. June 2009 @ 03:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ted63:
I´ve tried to put tomtom on the x350, but directly in the ResidentFlash dir. It´s completely gone now, made a backup first before starting, but a bad one. Does anybody know where to get the files back, that belong in this dir ?
I´ve got tomtom working now.
2. July 2009 @ 09:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi I have tried using my Binatone x350 this morning and I get a problem where it will not let me click past the warning screen any help would be most apprieciated.

I have tried teh usual swirch off and on reset the usual but to no avail
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6. September 2009 @ 09:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi guys, just wondered if anyone has a backup files for the x350. had to restart pc and lost files, would be grateful if anyone has them who has put tom tom on there unit, thanks in advance > forums > archived forums > pda discussion > help binatone x350 problem

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