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unbranding N75 from Cingular ...
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27. February 2008 @ 19:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have an unlocked N75. I tried following the steps at

to unbrand it. On changing the product code to 0541358, I am unable to update the firmware - says I already have the latest firmware.

If I go back to the old product code (cingular one), the nokia software update utility lets me upgrade the firmware again. This option is NOT visible with the unbranded product code...

Anyone face this? any other codes to try?
11. July 2008 @ 12:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have had the same problem as you. What I have determined is that any N75 shipped around the end of 2007 and since then, arrive with the PC of 0545060 - and Firmware version of 20.1.172 installed on thier ATT branded phones.

ATT has no problem giving out the UNLOCK codes to us, because, we can't UNBRAND it afterwards. We can only unlock it, so we can use other sim cards in them. The OLD 10.****** version numbers are NOKIA's, not ATT.. So when you do the UPDATE using Nokia PC Suite, it sees that your firmware is already the latest version, 20.1.172 and tells you there is no update.

WHY Nokia can't address this issue, I don't know. It seems they should be able to UPDATE 20.1.172 (ATT) to thier own Version, what ever # they wanted as long as it is higher than the current number...

So in affect, UNLOCKING this phone, is worthless unless you do travel to other countries and need to use other sim's, I don't. It was just a waste of time, but no harm done. I'm still shackled to the ATT version of programs they wanted me to have and not the ones that Nokia built into the phone, FANTASTIC custmoer service HUH ???

Anyone with new info on how to UNBRAND this phone that has shipped in the past 6 months.

12. July 2008 @ 17:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This just in from NOKIA Tech Support, regarding UNBRANDING the most recent version of the N75 Cingular phone.

The firmware/software updates for Nokia mobile phones and devices are linked to product codes; these vary based on region, model, and provider-specification.

Your Nokia N75 device does not have the same product code as the ?unbranded? Nokia N75 device; your device is not compatible with the firmware image for the latter variant. We regret any inconvenience that that may cause.

Anybody know the correct product code for the NOKIA UNBRANDED N75 ? It obviously is NOT, 0541358 !! It was 0545060 when I recieved it in June/08 with firmware version 20.1.172 ! Thats exactly where Nokia said it belongs after unlocking it and trying the software upgrade. Good luck folks, looks like we gonna be using the Cingular version of this phone forever, LOCKED or UNLOCKED, makes no difference!! That's why Cingular is giving out the unlock code so readily.

Reej > forums > mobile devices > nokia - all other topics > unbranding n75 from cingular ...

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