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20. August 2002 @ 05:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, after reading the forum, printing the forum and posting threads, something is still wrong. I have a HP computer,running XP, I have a HP200i dvd burner. When I first started this, I used 'dvd decrypter' and it ripped the dvd in 'iso'. I burned the dvd and it played on my computer but not on a stand-alone. But, I was getting 'mini-dumps' with 'dvd decrypter'. I tried using 'smart ripper' but couldn't get the start button. I have used all the different 'aspi' layers which I had put in Window System 32. Nero worked with dvd decrypter but not with smart ripper. I can't get aspi 4.71 or forceaspi to work. I have made tons of cds and transferred some 'vhs' tapes to dvd and no problem. I purchased Record Now Max and that was no help. I downloaded trial Nero Burn and it accepted the files to burn, but that is all it burned. Not the movie, the movie files. I have totally reformatted my computer, twice. I didn't bother with the upgrades, because I found that some of my other programs wouldn't work right. Now I am on a mission to do this. I can't figure out what is wrong. Can someone please help me? Thank you.
21. August 2002 @ 03:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

So many problems, with so few details.

I assume you are trying to rip a movie from a commercial DVD, then burn to one of your DVDs then play on you settop box.

I am not familiar with the HP200i (is it DVD-R or DVD+R format ?) This matters as you need to know if the format is compatible with your settop box.

I don't use DVD Decrypter, I use Smartripper. So heres a few tips on how to get it working.

First I use Smartripper version 2.41
Before trying to rip, you need to play your DVD. I use Power DVD XP. A bit of a pain, but it works.

When you launch Smartripper make sure you have the correct file path set for your DVD drive. This is located in the top right hand corner of Smartripper.

At this point, the "Start" button should be visible.

Post back if you can get to this stage.

21. August 2002 @ 17:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Homer, Just for the record, I will be using dvd+r and +rw. What is the best aspi to use with smart ripper? Smart ripper seems never to recognize any of them, but ends up showing all the files as authenicated. But that is as far as I can get with smart ripper.
21. August 2002 @ 22:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorted !!

Forget about the ASPI drivers. The fact that Smartripper is authenticating your files proves it is reading the files OK (which is what it's all about.

However, before it will allow you to "Start" (hence the button) it makes sure there is a large enough disc space for you to write to. If you look at the "Free Disc Space box" bottom right hand side of the screen, I suggest that this will be in red (probably says 0).

To change this you will have to click on the "explorer" icon next to "Target" (bottom left of screen) When propmpted to input file name enter vts_01 (no file extensions and don't enter anything in "save as type" box either) This means that it will rename on the fly any movie VOBs that aren't usually video title set 1.

Following this, you will see the start button appear.

I am assuming that all you want to do is rip the movie (no extras or menus). This is the easiest way to start off.

As for the DVD+R (well, none of us are perfect). Only joking !! I use DVD-R. I don't think should be an issue, but it's worth remembering later on.

Give it a try, and let us know how you get on.

22. August 2002 @ 22:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Homer, Well,the movie got ripped. I'm alittle confused because it showed 22 files, and as I watched it, the log showed only 11 files. Anyway, it took a little over 6 hours to rip. A total of 4.34 gb. The files that it showed that was being ripped are vts_02_1.vob,vts_03_0.bup,vts_03_ifo,vts_03_1.
thru 4.vob, vts_04_0.bup,vts_04_0.vob and vts_04_1.vob. I think it may be because when it showed all the files on the dvd, it included all the advertisement for Disney movies and what got ripped was the movie itself. Anyway, thank you for helping me get this started. Now what? I really appreciate the step by step information and your time. Thank you very much. As I said, I have an HP200i dvd burner. It only burns dvd+r/+rw. I have Record Now Max and had downloaded Nero on a trial demo.
23. August 2002 @ 11:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Well done, we'll make a ripper out of you yet. But still you have more questions, questions, always questions.

I'm very concerned at the amount of time your PC took to rip the DVD. I normally rip a DVD in well under an hour.

Please supply details of your PC specification.

I am suspecting that if it takes that long to "rip" the movie, it will take forever to re encode (if you choose to go down that path). I use to have an Intel P3 600Mhz and it took anything up to 30hrs to encode a movie. Recently I've upgraded to a P4 2Ghz and encode time has reduced to well under 10hrs.

If it appears your system is a bit short of processing power, it might be better if you split your ripped DVDs into 2 discs as a "norm".

How do you feel about this ?

As for the Disney movie, what was the title ?

I have never ripped one of theirs' before. I do hear tell, they are not the easiest to start with.

As for you HP200i burner, I was reading an article only today, it said it was quite a good model, so that's in your favour !!

Now it's my turn to apologies to you. I should have said to you that when you rip the movie and, in the bottom right hand corner of the screen it say "target" Hit the "explorer" button, and enter <path details>vts_01

What this will do is, when you rip for example vts_02 smartripper will re write it to vts_01

The reason for this is, ALL DVDs must have a vts_01 file and of course, in the real world they do (it might be the menu, it might be extras, but the file is there). If you rip just the movie, we're in trouble.

So, to prevent this, start the first movie VOB at vts_01.

If you want to try ripping the movie again, you should see the differnce.

By the way, do you have Ifoedit installed on your PC ?

If not, YOU WILL NEED TO. (No if's or buts)

It can be downloaded from :-

Can I suggest, if there are problems getting the movie down to a small enough size to fit on a single DVD+R disc, how do you feel about splitting it down to 2 discs (just as an exercise, and getting you familiar with all the processes ?

23. August 2002 @ 14:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Homer, I couldn't believe it took that long to rip, especially since the darn movie itself is only 72 minutes long. I have a new computer,only 4 months old. It's an HP540n. The key specs are
Intel Pentium 4 processor - 1.6 GHz
256 MB DDR SDRAM memory
40 GB Ultra DMA hard drive.
Figures that I would start with something like a Disney movie. They have a lot of ads for their other movies on them.
I did download 'ifoedit' to a floppy, I figured I would need it in the future if I ever got a dvd ripped. The first dvd I tried to rip was the Superman movie. But it was 5.1 gb. Anyway, I just went back into my system and deleted those vob files from the movie. By the way, the movie was The Three Caballeros. It seemed like two files of the movie was ripped. One with only 11 things and the other with 22 things. I will try to rip the movie again, but probably not tonight. Hmmm, to bad to don't live close by, I'd buy you dinner and bring you home so you could rip these for me. I can't thank you enough for all your help, you are really a sweetheart. Just making sure, when I do this again, do I click files, movie or backup? Thank you again, Homer.
23. August 2002 @ 15:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Elayne,

It's getting late (12-15am), and I'm getting tired (it's been a long week).

Looks like you're PC is up to scratch hardware wise (P4 1.6Ghz is plenty, memory and HDD too)

Ripping problem might lie in the settings of your DVD drive.

Check to make sure it is set for "DMA enabled".

This can either be done in either your PC BIOS (checkout at boot up) or via My Computer>hardware settings>properties. It's something like that. Sorry to be a bit vague. DMA setting is quite important, it controls the speed at which data is transferred. Sorry I can't be more precise, but this setting for some reason, seems to appear in different places, depending on how you're PC was put together. If all else fails, contact your PC supplier. It's very easy to change (it's usually just a tick in a box, but the "box" can be hard to locate)

Please check this setting out before we go any further.

As for ripping files, lets stick to "movie" for the time being. This will rip the movie only. No menus, and no "extras". Lets keep things as simple as possible.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. August 2002 @ 15:22

23. August 2002 @ 15:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok Homer, Good night and have a great weekend.
23. August 2002 @ 18:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just a quick point!! also if u r using an older version of windows 98/se/me set dma mode on your hdd aswell, and if your hard drive is badly fragmented it will take a while too, also what is the read speed of your dvd drive.
"i had liteon 16 speed drive which would only read at 4X max" ive got a pioneer drive now and the transfer time for a dvd to the hddd takes on average 7 mins with smartripper:-)
23. August 2002 @ 22:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Good point.


For the record, what operating system are you using ?

(I guess if the PC is a few months old it's going to be Win 2K or XP)
26. August 2002 @ 06:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Homer, Well, I tried again and it was going to take over 7 hours this time. Like this is getting crazy. I called HP and their dvd writer support was closed for the weekend, so I tried ripping again this morning. Well, I found out one of my problems. First off, when I started playing the dvd and I opened up Smart ripper, I saw there isn't an explorer button, the target had more than enough room,
(28,306,880 kb and I would be using only 3,579,004 kb). Now, there was 17 chapters and 42 cells. I tried changing the input from vts_o3_1.vob to the vts_o1 and I couldn't except for the output, and still going to take 7 hours. Being rather pissed off at this time, I kicked Fred (my computer) and turned off PowerDVD and the darn thing started ripping. It took 8m 42seconds, the files were not the ones I was suppose to have. So,now I know that I can turn off PowerDVD instead of letting it run while trying to rip. I believe that is what was making the rip so short. So Homer, where might this explorer button be? I hate these blonde moments!
26. August 2002 @ 08:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Keeping Power DVD running while trying to rip would certainly explain why things were taking so long.

You only need to run it for a few seconds. This "unlocks the drive". After that, it can be closed, then run smartripper.

Checkout the this site :

Go to the guides section. There is one there on Smartripper.

The "explorer" icon is imediately below where it says "Target"

26. August 2002 @ 12:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Homer, I decided to change the dvd. I believe I just ripped 'Babe'. When the box opened up to 'save as' it had 'vts_01' already in there so I clicked save and it ripped the following - vts_01_ 1,2,3,4,5,vob in just under 11 minutes. I checked out the file and these were in there - vts_o1.d2v,vts_01.idx,vts_01.lst,vts_01.0.ifo,
vts_o1_1,2,3,4,5vob and vts_01_info. Is this right? There still isn't an explorer box,but no big deal. Please say this is right.
26. August 2002 @ 14:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

It sounds right. Not all DVDs are the same.

You will now need to use Ifoedit.

This will allow you to play the files, but also enable you to make certain changes to the IFO files, so that the ripped movie will play OK on your settop box. Cant't quie understand where the *.d2v file came from.

The only files you are after are :-


If you have 5 *.VOB files, this means that it will be to large to burn direct to a DVD+R disc, and you will also need to use a programme called ReMPEG2 (This will shrink the video to the correct size.)

You will then need to use Ifoedit to "remux" the video and audio bact together.

Check out these programmes on the doom9 site. They can also be dowloaded from there as well

26. August 2002 @ 14:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh, this just gets better all the time. Before when I did this movie with dvd decrypter using that 'iso' it had said that the movie was 3.4 gb. It won't play on anything except my computer. Oh well. Thank you. Have a good evening.
26. August 2002 @ 15:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The d2v file is part of a pseudo avi that smartripper creates it self it could be used if you were re encodig with a program like TMPGenc but it has no use for your application so just ignore it!!
26. August 2002 @ 18:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you Cely. I really hate being such a pain and being so stupid on this. Homer and you, and even many other people have tried to me, I can't thank everyone enough. So another stupid question, I just open up ifoedit and drop the files there? I don't have one that is called VIDEO_VTS.
27. August 2002 @ 04:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I tried to use ifoedit and I kept getting error messages. I ran a compat. test and finally it opened up. When I tried to play the movie back, it ran for about 20 seconds and I got another error message. Now, as usual, what am I doing wrong? I think maybe I should just buy an extra copy of my dvds. Two days ago I was a blonde, what hasn't been pulled out is now gray.
27. August 2002 @ 14:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Live happy in the knowledge that you actually know a helluva lot more than me about dvd > dvdr
i use smartripper a lot because i rencode dvd to vcd format i dont even have a dvd writer, so unfortunately i cant help you any more, cos i havent got a clue!!! Sorry that i cant be of any more help and hope you find the solution to your problem!!!:-)
27. August 2002 @ 16:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Cely, I really wish I knew. I appreciate your time and info. I wish I could find a site that had step by step guides. Well, there are, but each one explains things differently. Now, Smart ripper decided to act up,so I had to uninstall and re-download. If would know of any really good sites, please let me know. Doom9 isn't really one of them. I found one, but that is when Smart ripper acted up. The site is I wish Homer would get back to me. He was going to make a ripper out of me. Oh well, take care and thank you.
27. August 2002 @ 22:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Elayne,

Apologies for not getting back over the past few days.

I have been having a few problems of my own, in terms of upgrading the way I rip my movies.

Glad to say it's all sorted out now. I'm just off to work now, (at the Nuclear Plant) so no more time.

I'll drop you a line this evening.


29. August 2002 @ 14:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

What's with the blonde going grey, I'm grey already !!!!

And, (I hate starting a sentance with that word) I have just ripped a movie ("borrowed and since returned") only to find I didn't "rip" it the "correct way".

I choose my words very carefully there.

The movie was Pearl Harbor. To cut a long story short, there appears to be a small "audio glitch", which has tripped me up.

I now need to "borrow" the DVD again to correct this small problem.

In the mean time, can I please ask you to register on the doom9 forum. This takes a few days, but will enable me to "talk you through a few pointers". This board is limited in what information can be passed across.

I am already registered.


29. August 2002 @ 15:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Homer, Nothing wrong with a guy going gray. It looks nice, but not on a woman. Anyway, I believe I did register at Doom9 about a week ago. I believe there was a waiting period there. Last night I read some of the more recent threads at AfterDawn and some were rather offering good information. But of course, one says to rip the movie another says back it up. There are so many things. If I can post at Doom, you'll see it. I just can't thank you enough.
29. August 2002 @ 15:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes, I am registered at Doom9. I'm not sure what to post. Can I post just to you? I gather you have completed your computer set-up.
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