Hey Everybody
A good friend of mine taught me how to use dvdshrink, nero and anydvd.
I've been doing that for a while without a problem
But now everytime I use dvdshrink, I can preview/scan the disc ok. Then I backup, and after about 5 minutes into the backup my whole computer powers off...???
I've worked with new discs and old discs and its doing it to all of them so I can't imagine it has anything to do with anti-piracy software...
I can leave my computer on all day and all night and it doesn't power off automatically...
Anybody else run into this problem or does anybody have a clue as to what might be causing this???
Encoding can be very processor intensive if you're compressing a disk. If you have a somewhat less powerful CPU, it'll really tax it causing overheating and a shutdown to protect the system. Is it possible this is what's occurring?
Edit: text added below
Have you tried other programs like Nero Recode (part of the Nero suite) or CloneDCVD from Slysoft. Both have functional free trials. If it's a heat issue, the system should shutdown with them as well.
I can't remember the specs of my computer...I just bought it within the year and I think it was one of those duo core processors...
The whole reason I bought it was to upgrade so I could play better games like F.E.A.R....and I've been able to do that with no problems...though it has been a while since I've played any games on there...
If it's a newer system, it should be able to do the compression encoding without problems. I suppose it's still possible it's overheating though. Try the other suggestions.
Are you ripping to the HDD before processing in Shrink or are you processing directly from the disk?
Do you think cleaning the insides would possible help prevent overheating?
As far as your question,
I preview the disk in shrink...I back up in shrink...then i open nero and set up the burn from there so I can slow the speed down (trying to prevent skips)
OK, try ripping the disk to your HDD first with DVDFabHD Decrypter or DVD Decrypter if you're using AnyDVD or the like and then try Nero Recode instead of Shrink. It may be that the DVD drive is having read problems during processing.
It's likely not dust but it doesn't hurt to blow out the case every now and then. Also make sure your CPU and case fans are actually working. Take the side of the case off and leave it off and see if that makes a difference.
I'm at work so I can't do anything until i get home.
I found this website and thought i'd pick your brains
Thanks for the ideas...
please keep adding if you have any new ideas!!
You might try installing Speedfan (free). It'll let you monitor your core temperature while encoding or doing anything for that matter. If you see the core (CPU) temp increasing continuously while encoding and then you get system shutdown, that'll let you know the shutdown is likely temperature related.