i am using dvd2one 1.3 in combination with anydvd, got the nec 1300a and use verbatim dvds.
i dont have any problems copying movies,
the funy thing is that some run just for about an hour on my stand alone dvd player and than just freaze! for example the T3. Other movies instead work fine !!
I just can see the problem ... can anyone help?
thanx and by the way HAPPY NEW YEAR
Could be the type of media you are using or i have a dvd player that doesn't like movies that were originally a bit on the large size, they either jump or freeze.
Could be one of many things. Media, burn speed, disc cleanliness.
The other day I sat down at my puter to back up American Wedding, UNRATED version, of course. My usually trusty DVD Decrypter ripped for 2 minutes then coffed up a hairball. Sed it can't rip due to some long assed error code. I looked at the disc, it was brand I tried it again. Nope....wouldn't work. I tried DVD Shrink. Nope...nada.
During my several months of backing upping DVD's, I have NEVER come across a DVD I couldn't rip. So I pulled the disc out again and, even tho it was spotless...I cleaned it anyway. Still no use.
To make a long story short, (if that's possible) I had to clean the *spotless* DVD 4 times before it would rip. Therefore....never assume the disc is clean, just becuz it LOOKS clean. If your disc is jumpy or glitchy, it may need 4 cleanings lol.
I've read posts on here where people mentioned that they had to clean a *clean* DVD several times before they could view or rip it, and I recall thinking they were fulla sheeeeit. However, as odd as it sounds, it's true.
I encountered that when I first started it was just an incompatability with the dvd's I was using I changed to datawrite +r and have not had a problem since with any dvd I made
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