hi,guy's i'm new here
i'm a total newb at the modchip experince
i'm about to install a modbo 760 to my slim
i have a question about solderin
here it goes;should i solder rosin wire to the +3.3v,and SX(i think is the same pin or watever u call that thingy),then i'll solder the kynar wire to the +3.3v,and the sx?is dis correct
and should i add solder to y components,or it is not needed because it has solder already.
Quote:should i solder rosin wire to the +3.3v,and SX(i think is the same pin or watever u call that thingy)
The 3.3V point and the SX point are completely different. You need to solder the thicker of the wire you use on the ground and 3.3v locations. SX requires regular mod wire used for the rest of the points.
Quote:then i'll solder the kynar wire to the +3.3v,and the sx
NO! Do not solder these together. All the wires go from their points to the modchip. Do not cross connect anything.
Again, use heavy wire for ground and 3.3v(make sure the chip is as close to these connections as possible. Make them short)
Quote:and should i add solder to y components,or it is not needed because it has solder already.
You can add a little solder yes. Don't glop it on though.
Take your time! This is your first mod and your bound to have problems. Post back when or if you do :)
Oh, and remember the 2 second rule. Try not to hold the solding gun (15watt) on the board for more then 2 seconds at a time.