I need help with getting my recordings from those small discs DVD-R, that I use in my video camera, to my computer. What programs should I use other than Nero?
So I've run Explorer and I clicked on the D drive since I put the small DVD-R disc from my video camera in my DVD-Drive and there is nothing there. No videos no files. It's just empty, but when I put the disc in my video camera I can watch the recordings there. Help!
Since I can't copy the recordings just from the D drive, could you help me how to use Nero in order to get these recordings onto my hard drive. What Nero program should I use? I have Nero but I had quite painful past with it that's why I said to tell me about other programs like Nero. I know that this would better belong in Nero Discussion section, but I don't want to make another topic.
If Explorer can not read them, they must be encoded with some proprietary format.
Check the manual for your camera. It may have FireWire or I-Link plug, both IEE 1394 ports, for download.
In that case plug your camera to computer and in NeroVision use capture, to download files.
Originally posted by varder: So I've run Explorer and I clicked on the D drive since I put the small DVD-R disc from my video camera in my DVD-Drive and there is nothing there. No videos no files. It's just empty, but when I put the disc in my video camera I can watch the recordings there. Help!
Did you finalize the disc? If not, you have to do so.