I am getting a problem with playback of my created DVD's
After making the DVD with nerovision 4 (by the way they are avi files im using) then burning it with nero 7, I play it on my home DVD player and the playback is jerky like a very slight stop go motion.
the kids say they cant really notice it, but its one of those things that when you know its there you look for it even more.
All I was wondering is, could it be the nero vision thats doing this when I create the dvd would I get better results using a different authoring tool or could it be nero burning rom or even could my dvd burner be on its way out ?
Thanks in anticipation
Any advice is welcome.
I have TMPGEnc but have yet to use it would this give better results ?
I've seen the jerky playback just like you've described. All i can say is that it's in the quality of your avi thats making that happen. Sorry i cant go into more detail but some conversions to avi look great and some come out jerky looking as if the video has way too few frames per second.
I also notice that it can look fine on the computer but not so fine on a stand alone dvd player.. Good luck