Nokia Corp. is continuing to work on its answer to Apple Inc.'s touted iPhone. The new Nokia gadget, codenamed "Tube", also includes a touch-screen interface and apparently has a similar design. The product was shown off in a slide at the Evans Data Developer Relations Conference in Redwood City, California. It showed examples of the graphical display capability in the phone with a promotion ... [ read the full article ]
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I feel sorry for nokia, havent they learned fromthe 4+ years of people trying to take down the ipod, its nearly impossible. And to make the claim that the "Tube" now works with (drumroll folks) JAVA!!!! Isnt going to do jack. The average un attentive consumer doesnt give a rip about java. Thats such a lame post to rest their sales on.
Originally posted by thekingo7: I feel sorry for nokia, havent they learned fromthe 4+ years of people trying to take down the ipod, its nearly impossible. And to make the claim that the "Tube" now works with (drumroll folks) JAVA!!!! Isnt going to do jack. The average un attentive consumer doesnt give a rip about java. Thats such a lame post to rest their sales on.
That really wont do much, but probably this will, can't wait until its available here in USA