Can someone help me with the new settings I should have to use RipIt4Me version The guides all show screen shots and directions for older versions only.
The problem I am having is that when I try to rip a DVD, old or new, all of a sudden after 5 months of working perfect....when it gets to DVD shrink time, it says there is a VOB error or if I try to use the logs with DVD shrink it begins to analyze and then says there is a cyclic redundancy error. What's the deal? Whay after 5 months of working great it just stopped. It is not just new movies either. It is ALL MOVIES! Help!
i tried a clean reinstall and no luck. Also I tried DVDFabDecrypter and have the same issue once I try to use shrink. Maybe it's an issue with shrink? Are there setting i can check? Nothing is working now and I cannot get past shrink. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it as well.
dvd shrink hasn't been updated either so sometimes after you rip with dvdfab decrypter you need to use fixvts first then trnascode with dvd shrink ,guides are in the link i posted
I do not have the movies anymore. I sent them back so I am not sure. They were both new and old. Some exercise videos, which I have others in the series and had no issues. Today I tried, Blind Horizon, Dewy Cox and The Hoax. I could burn nothing on my laptop that I have used forever...but they all worked on the Mac. I am telling you that this started about 2 weeks ago, but prior to that I had ZERO issues. If I use RipIt4Me, the FixIt is part of the program and that runs fine. I ran that also using DVDfab and then FixIt and then tried Shrink and same issues. It's like I have a virus or something, but everything else is fine, only I cannot shrink to burn anymore. I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything more then once....I've tried everything. I tried it on my Mac and it worked issues so it's not the DVD. I don't know what's going on. Should I try erasing my hard drive or something and starting over?
Quote:I do not have the movies anymore. I sent them back
we only discuss backing up store bought movies LynsWil25 NOT movies you rented/got from Netflix or Block Buster!! OK, thats a big no no. I would edit your post
Your assumption is incorrect. I don't rent them from a store. They were DVDs from a relative. I guess I looked now and it says "sent" which I did...mailed them to my aunt. If you don't want to help then it's ok, but I am just asking you why a program might not work regardless of what I am backing up. I am not asking for directions on how to back up a DVD anyway....just why a program isn't working.