I am planing on buying a new DVD player. I know there are a lot of DVD players out there that wont play copied DVD's. Does anyone know which DVD players are the most compatible with copied DVD's.
that's right. the Philips DVP 5982 can play anythingm including avi files plus, it has a usb port that plays anything also. i have it and will be buying another one.
If playing strictly basic dvd backups,then the el cheapo magnavox/philips from walmart should suffice.I've got a $15 Kmart special playing all my backups.Even the el cheapo's that Odd Lots/Big lots carry should play majority of + and - backups.
If you can booktype your backups,that'll help immensely.
When you do get one,test some of your backups on it-if you burned both dash and plus along with any DL's.
And if you get one from wallyworld and it doesn't play your backups,you can easily take it back for a full refund and try another brand.
HHGregg has a sale on the el-cheapo Coby dvd players if anybody has one of their appliance stores nearby.
$15 after a $10 mail in rebate. I picked 3 of the coby's up at Kmart last black friday for the same $15 after rebate-for christmas presents for family members.
2 of these players are playing my +RW,+R-both booktyped and nonbooktyped, and my dash backups. The 3rd's still sitting unopened in the closet.
Not fancy,but it should have progressive scan and a great player for playing backups for that price.
I've got a magnavox player. The remote got lost,so I slipped over to odd lots and picked up a symphonic. Turned out,the remote worked for both,just one was dark gray and other beige. Philips/Magnovox/Syphonic: All the same manufacturer.
Anywho,the kids had the syphonic in their room for a week,then lost the video on it. Sound was perfect,just a black screen. I could not locate the manual at the time to reset to factory settings,so the player sat stored for a year and a half.Nothing on the web about it.
Last month,I found that darn manual and said it was stuck in progressive scan mode-with a red light on front. Got rid of that red light,and player works perfect again. That's why I have a couple stocked up.
It's hard to guarantee which player will play backups. Some of them can be screwy as to which format off of a certain dvd-rw drive that it will play. Like my dad's sherwood.It will not play any of my benq dash backups,but will play my older bro's LG dash backups. Not only can stand alone players be picky,but the variations between dvd-rw drives can also influence stand alone player compatability.
A quality booktyping drive,and the overall compatability will be higher.