hello i bought a psp from a friend of mine which has 3.10 OE-A 2 firmware and i am having trouble playing iso/cso's on it. I have tried going to recovery mode and disabling and even enabling the NO-UMD option and checked and the kernal is using 1.50. I have no problems with emulators or running psx games on there so far. I have parappa the rapper umd iso and i try to run it and it load the psp screen then goes to a black screen. I have read through dozens of forums and have not got a solution yet. I have tried using silent hill origins, GTA vice city stories, and metal gear solid portable ops and it still shows black screen. I have also tried a few other iso's and they all go to the black screen. I also cant even play umd discs anymore because it shows a "The game could not be started. (80020148)" errors message. I would greatly appreciate any help i can get. Like I said i have tried everything. Should i install other firmware on my psp or is there a way around this. I have read where people have got there iso/cso's working on this firmware but i have yet to get mine to work. I also just have a 512 mb memory stick but parappa the rapper leaves me with about 22 mb i hope that isn't a problem either.
I like the oe firmwares because they are very easy to customize, thats the only reason why'd I keep that firmware. Your problem really shouldn't be fixed at this point. Just upgrade to m33 firmwares, that way you can load about any iso without any "loader" hassle. I think changing cfw will be best.
I think the easiest path would be to go from 3.10 OE-A to 3.52m33, and from there on. As for your memory space you are going to need more space. So just toss the iso on your drive for a while until you upgrade.
i am fixing to try that thank you. will i have still have the easy costumization of 3.10 oe if i switch to 3.52m33?... i wont have to use a emulator to load right and i can still use my rom emulators as well?
Yeah you can still customize your psp with the m33 firmwares. I just think its personally a little riskier, if anything. Since customizing a psp has to do with flash0 that means that an error can brick your psp. For now don't worry about that. No, your OE firmware will be replaced by m33 firmware. Also with m33 firmware you will not use any emulators to load isos, you will see the icon of the games with the rest of your (ex. snes, gpsp emulators) So it will be very user friendly. If rom emulators mean, homebrew than of course. Everything will be an upgrade from what you have now. Just make sure you do everything correctly, Since you have a hacked psp already you wont have to use a pandoras battery for any of this, so do not brick your psp during this process.
ok i have upgraded my system to 3.52 m33 but i am still having the same issue i can't play regular umd games still, it gives me that error message and when i load the iso up it still goes to a black screen and doesn't load anything. i have to hold the pwr button for about 15 seconds before it shuts down. Is it the fact that my UMD's aren't loading themselves or is there some other issue that needs resolving. you have already helped tremendously and any further assistance would be greatly appreciated.
nevermind i forgot to go in the configuration and siwtch to no umd which was my mistake. So everything is working perfect now, but do you know why i can't play any umd's?
Well welcome to the cfw family. The umd problem sounds a bit complex. The person you bought it from probably messed it up. "maybe". It was really hard to find information on this but I found some.
"I know what has happened to your PSP. Your id_storage is obviously corrupted and getting one from another person won't fix everything although it might mean that you can still play ISO's/CSO's. This is because each PSP has it's own id_storage. get a nand-dump.bin off a friend's PSP with the same hardware and model (eg- "2002" or "1006"). Place it in your root of your magic memory stick(the memcard used with Pandora). When the menu comes up press L+R+Start+Select"
that would mean that you would need a pandy battery...ooof
try these first.
-Try faking the region under the conf.
-or when playing umds change it to -umd required-
-hopefully someone will help out on this thread.
- If it matters I never use discs anymore. (upgrade to a 4gb ms when you get some money).