I made a home movie, and used iMovie on a mac without dvd burner to edit it. I wanted to pass it to a DVD, so I just passed the video from iMovie to the camera, and from the camera to mi PC with Adobe Premiere. I burned the dvd nicely, extremely good quality, but I want to make an avi file to share over the internet.
It all sums up that I have an avi file, extreme uncompressed quality that plays fine on Windows Media Player, but it takes 4.4GB and its only 21 minutes long. I have searched for DivX, but it seems that the DivX converter is not free. Is there any way I can compress this video to DivX or XviD with free software? Thanks a lot.
video/compression (choose divx and set your required bitrate)
You could also choose video/fast recompress, but it's not important.
File / save as avi
Ok I compressed the video, everything turned out well. But... how do I compress the audio??? The audio bitrate is still insanely high, and for some reason I can't select the audio compressioncodec in virtual dub.