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New Halo 3 MatchMaking Cheat - Freezing lobby in Match Making
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18. April 2008 @ 15:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
New Halo 3 Matching Making Cheat

Apparently people can freeze the game up in ranked matchmaking by being the game lobby. The game won't start untill the cheaters wan't it to. The Cheaters then wait for the opposite team to quit so they get the win or so they can play a weakend team.

In a game of Team Slayer someone got frozen the lobby by the other team and they waited for his team to leave. He stuck around for over an hour and then the other team started the game and beat him even tho he is a legit 50, 2 v 1. He filmed this and made a youtube video. He also made a video and a Topic on

This is some hardcore evidence. Watch the video !
YouTube Link

After reading the forum topic, one of the cheaters openly posted on the forum that he cheated and gave a hint on how to do it. However Im sceptical about it. Here is the quote of what the cheater said:

Posted by: BR Eclipse
Ok I made a new name when I heard this. Here is what happened..

First off, this glitch is XBOX's fault. I don't want to tell anyone how to do this, but you don't have to standby or cheat in any way. You look at something on your xbox menu to freeze the game up. anyway...

We sat there in pre-game lobby for like over an hour and then we decide to start the game once it was a 2vs 1. We didn't lag him out or do -blam!-. In the end we won by 10. Then the british guy that we froze the game up on started cursing and stuff, so it was all worth it....

What do you guys think ?

Is this just a bluff to throw us off sent or could it true ?

I'm wondering if you guys could help find a way on how to do this glitch so i we can all level up to a 50 before someone else finds out and cheats us who play halo.
26. April 2008 @ 18:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ccfc like trinity valley?
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27. April 2008 @ 22:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why did you bump this? It's obvious that we don't discuss these kinds of cheats here.

At the same time it's interesting. My take on it is it may be possible, but I don't see it around many of the "cheating scumbag" websites.. so it's probably just some kid trying to look smart and gain lots of forum posts with BS while trying to tell other "cheating scumbags" how to fail doing it.

Not you BTW.. it's an interesting post..
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28. April 2008 @ 22:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how would you get trapped in the lobby? if you exit out of the lobby you dont lose points?
i'll verify if this is probably with my MLG buddies.......... > forums > archived forums > xbox - games > new halo 3 matchmaking cheat - freezing lobby in match making

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