Hi, new user here, just want to ask for some advice...
I'm looking for a cheap camcorder but I would like it to connect to the PC via USB connection.
I've spotted the following device and I'm just wondering if it will connect to my PC in this way, I don't want to spend money on something if it won't be any good to me.
Originally posted by 592480: Meh, I've not got Firewire connections... :(
I've never seen a miniDV video camera that doesn't have a firewire output. I couldn't find much for specs on the one you posted, but I sure wouldn't purchase it.
I would get a miniDV tape video camera, that does have a firewire output, and I would get a firewire card for my computer, if it didn't have one.
I would also get a good firewire cable, along with the card and video camera.